


Ability to change swim speed with /speed

mdcfe opened this issue · 6 comments


Feature request

Feature description
Allow /speed swim to change the speed of swimming in 1.13+.

How the feature is useful
Who needs flying or walking when you can swim!?


Not sure that this is possible in the game currently. I don't think there is a player ability for swim speed, as there is for walking and flying. I did some investigation into this because I was curious whether it would be doable.


This is legitimately infeasible to do without modifying the client somehow, the server isn't really in control of the way the player moves; it only communicates player movement to the rest of the server. I can imagine somehow hacking this in using entity velocity or something, but I don't think it will look pretty.


relatively hacky to do, we could listen for a PlayerMoveEvent then modify the player's velocity but it'd be pretty ugly


yeah probably don't want to do that, there isn't an easy way to change this from the server without making it hacky, and it would probably be more work to maintain on essentials part


Closing for now since this isn't feasible currently. Can consider it again if/when swimming speed is added as an ability that can be adjusted across the client/server.