


/jump lock command?

ProblemsSender opened this issue · 10 comments


Related to #2317

/jump lock makes you teleport whenever you click on a block.
/kittycannon fires (non-damaging) exploding kittens in the direction you are facing.
/nuke causes TNT to rain down from the sky around each player.

Hello again, sorry for disturbing-but somehow /jump lock command hasn't work as intended, here's my ss versions
[14:04:41 INFO]: Server version: 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Spigot-dcd1643-e60fc34
(MC: 1.12.2)
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsX version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: PermissionsEx version: 1.23.4
[14:04:41 INFO]: Vault version: 1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXProtect version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXSpawn version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXChat version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXAntiBuild version:

Pls help me make this command to work, is this required some config to work? At first I thought that my problem is I didn't give my player a permissions to build.* - I added that and it still appear, what is the requirement to make this work? And additional question, can we use /jump lock instead of /jump?


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### Information

Full output of `/ess version`:

<!-- Replace this with the command output -->

**Server log:** <!-- Upload `logs/latest.log` to -->

**EssentialsX config** <!-- Upload `plugins/Essentials/config.yml` to -->

### Help request

<!-- What problem did you encounter? -->

**What I have tried**
<!-- What have you tried so far? -->

<!-- If relevant, include any screenshots here. -->


Full output of /ess version:

[14:04:41 INFO]: Server version: 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Spigot-dcd1643-e60fc34
(MC: 1.12.2)
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsX version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: PermissionsEx version: 1.23.4
[14:04:41 INFO]: Vault version: 1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXProtect version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXSpawn version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXChat version:
[14:04:41 INFO]: EssentialsXAntiBuild version:

Server log: Nothing bad

EssentialsX config Nothing bad

Help request

Can't teleport to block by clicking it after using /jump lock command

What I have tried
Give player full* permissions, /jump lock permission, and it still occurs,


Could you post screenshots of what happens when:

  • you run /jump lock,
  • you right-click on a block, and
  • you run /jump lock a second time?

Pic 1 Jump lock disabled
Pic 2 Jump lock enabled + right click
Pic 3 Jump lock+right click survival mode
Pic 4 Jump lock+ right click near grass
...I think those picture don't proof anything...


Bug confirmed, even with op it doesn't work


additional question, is it /jump lock only work if we right click to a block that we can see near? if not can you make it? In adventure world there's alot of "death hole" with 2 block tall, if we fall in that is that the end of the player?


I was also unsure of what /jump lock did when you opened #2317, so I went and looked at the source to figure out exactly what happens. /jump lock actually toggles "flying wizard mode", which enables the player to left-click the air to jump only when also flying at the same time. This is confirmed by the code in EssentialsPlayerListener:

                if (event.getPlayer().isFlying()) {
                    final User user = ess.getUser(event.getPlayer());
                    if (user.isFlyClickJump()) {

as well as this comment above the useFlyClickJump() method

// This method allows the /jump lock feature to work, allows teleporting while flying #EasterEgg

So the behavior of /jump lock is actually to enable a player to jump by left clicking in the air, while also flying.


@triagonal Thanks for writing this up - I was actually about to post an explanation before I got caught up trying to figure out an issue with the items.json generator.


I was also unsure of what /jump lock did when you opened #2317, so I went and looked at the source to figure out exactly what happens. /jump lock actually toggles "flying wizard mode", which enables the player to left-click the air to jump only when also flying at the same time. This is confirmed by the code in EssentialsPlayerListener:

                if (event.getPlayer().isFlying()) {
                    final User user = ess.getUser(event.getPlayer());
                    if (user.isFlyClickJump()) {

as well as this comment above the useFlyClickJump() method

// This method allows the /jump lock feature to work, allows teleporting while flying #EasterEgg

So the behavior of /jump lock is actually to enable a player to jump by left clicking in the air, while also flying.

Thanks for your guiding, but if this is what /jump lock does, it seems it does not so useful, while I test it, it only "jump" horizontally few block, it doesn't help, it's good if we change that to affect to normal player


Closing - question seems to be resolved. Please comment on this issue if you require further support.