


EssentialsX Spawn

DesperoKF opened this issue · 4 comments


I have Spigot 1.12.2 (its a Bungeecord server)

I am on my Lobby Server and i execute /setspawn. Result: Spawn set to default
My problem is that I do not spawn at join. there where I last logged out


    world: Lobby
    x: 267.56979057453503
    y: 65.0
    z: -1.6398878628761109
    yaw: 358.49973
    pitch: 13.950009
    world: Lobby
    x: 267.57579768468725
    y: 65.0
    z: -1.6344856999040354
    yaw: 358.49973
    pitch: 13.950009

My Spawn Config (EssentialsX config.yml)

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Essentials Spawn / New Players            | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# This section requires essentialsspawn.jar to work.

  # Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
  # If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
  # If not, set to ''
  announce-format: ''
  #announce-format: '&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME}&d to the server!'

  # When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
  # Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
  spawnpoint: newbie

  # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  # This kit will be given regardless of cost and permissions, and will not trigger the kit delay.
  kit: ''
 # kit: tools

# What priority should we use for handling respawns?
# Set this to none, if you want vanilla respawning behaviour.
# Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning.
# Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
# Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
respawn-listener-priority: highest

# What priority should we use for handling spawning on joining the server?
# See respawn-listener-priority for possible values.
# Note: changing this may impact or break spawn-on-join functionality.
spawn-join-listener-priority: highest

# When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
respawn-at-home: false

# Teleport all joining players to the spawnpoint
spawn-on-join: true
# The following value of `guests` states that all players in group `guests` will be teleported to spawn when joining.
#spawn-on-join: default
# The following list value states that all players in group `guests` and `admin` are to be teleported to spawn when joining. 
#- owner
#- guests
#- admin

# End of file <-- No seriously, you're done with configuration.

Hey there,

I just tested this myself and was able to make it work.

Please make sure you double check your settings to they match this:

spawnpoint: default

spawn-on-join: true

My guess is that since you have it commented out, it is just not seeing those values. When I told it to make the spawn point default and set it to true it worked like a charm. Hope this helps!

i change it to, but no change. I spawn same place who i logged out.

Can you send me your config and spawn.yml ?


Hey there,

I just tested this myself and was able to make it work.

Please make sure you double check your settings to they match this:

spawnpoint: default

spawn-on-join: true

My guess is that since you have it commented out, it is just not seeing those values. When I told it to make the spawn point default and set it to true it worked like a charm. Hope this helps!


@DesperoKF Did you solve your issue?
