


Make drop-items-if-full work on Essentials kits

KarlPro123 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Shall we drop items instead of adding to inventory if the target inventory is full?

drop-items-if-full: false

I don't know what this option is currently affecting, but I wish that items would not drop if I use kit that has more items in it than room in my inventory and these items wouldn't drop. This is a issue, because I use a pvp server with no cooldown kits, and people spam it // it drops items on the ground and will generate lag.

Or another solution is a configurable option to make kit usable only one time per life so if you die you can get another kit, but it wouldn't give you 2 kits, get it?


Looking into it.


It would be amazing if it gets added!


The option currently only affects /give, but this could be added by checking whether the whole kit can fit in the inventory before we give it to the user.


Hi, when would this be added or is it already added?


This feature has not already been added. It will be added when a generous developer takes the time out of their day to implement it.

all we can do now is wait.