


Local/global chat option

Salty4Daddy opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Feature request

Feature description
Put /local and /global chat option with configurable radius for local chat. There are many plugins who do this, but I like EssentialsXChat more for its simplicity and this feature should come very handy on bigger servers

How the feature is useful
Group of players could comunicate in local chat without bothering everyone on the server. Only full global (radius 0) or very limited chat (set radius) just isnt enough.


EssentialsXChat doesn't need to support every little feature from every chat plugin. That's why you have options. It's a bit contradictory to say that you like the simplicity of EssentialsXChat, but then go on to ask for something that makes it more complicated to use / understand. I'd say, don't be afraid of trying other chat plugins, if they offer features that you feel you need on your bigger server.


You can set the local chat radius for local chat, and then add ! or ? to the start of your message to broadcast it globally.

I don't see why players should be able to set their own chat radii. This would be confusing since not everyone would have the same radius - if you send a message, you're not guaranteed to hear the response even if neither side moves.