


Compatibility for the {ONLINE} variable to work for groups, the same like {PLAYERLIST}.

Xeterios opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Feature request

Feature description

I wanted to create a custom /list command that shows the online staff and online players, both in numbers. Ex:

Online Staff: 8
Online Players: 294

I was not able to do this, since {ONLINE} does not work for groups. I would love to see {ONLINE} being compatible with groups just like {PLAYERLIST}. You can use {PLAYERLIST:ADMIN}, but not {ONLINE:ADMIN}, because now it just uses {ONLINE} instead of only the Admin group.

How the feature is useful

This feature allows you to add a customized /list using the customtext feature, so you don't require another plugin to do that. It's a small change that removes the need for a whole other plugin. This would be way easier to manage.


I have a quick question: how do you consider which idea / suggestion / issue you are going to add / fix?


@Xeterios Good question, but it can't be answered easily. There are a number of reasons including (but not limited to):

  • Is the feature / change justified?
  • Is it useful? How many people need/want it?
  • Is it possible within the current Minecraft / Bukkit framework?
  • Is there a developer that is willing to implement it?
  • Etc...

The weight of each factor can depend on the context and magnitude of the change too. For example, small changes might make their way in even if they are a bit niche (especially if they are easy adds that don't affect other users), and likewise large changes that have a lot of interest are more likely to be added since there is a bigger chance that a developer might be interested in implementing it.

As for this specific issue (and this is just my own opinion, not reflecting the rest of the Essentials team), I think the change seems justified, since you mentioned there is already a group based placeholder for player list but not online. I could also see servers wanting counts rather than every player (especially for lower ranks) in their /list. It definitely seems possible to implement, and it probably just comes down to whether someone actually wants to take the time to implement it. Keep in mind that EssentialsX is run largely through contributions and personal efforts in developers' free time.

There are also a very large number of issues currently. I have been working to consolidate them to where it is much more reasonable for the EssentialsX team and contributors to focus their time. Currently there are many duplicates, features that do not make sense, do not work, are out of scope for the plugin, are outdated, or have some other miscellaneous problems associated with them.