


Feature request for automated replies to private message

Burchard36 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Feature request

Feature description

A Automated reply system, If a user types /r with NO message after that it will create a "replytoggle" type effect. When a user sends a message into chat it will be treated as they typed /r before the message.

This is how it should work:
/msg playername Hello there!

  • Player sends a message in chat here and is treated as it said /r msg
  • But in reality all they had to do was say a message in chat

How the feature is useful

This feature is very useful for players so they don't have to type /r when they are privately messaging each other. Sometimes players miss the / make a typo when typing /r, Yes it may just be 2 simple characters but it does get a LOT when you want to keep a chat private and have to keep typing /r before each message

In my experiences i have missed the / MULTIPLE times and my private message is now blasted to the public chat as r Your amazing


In my opinion this seems like a rather confusing feature that not very many people would want to use. Seems like others agree, so I will be closing this issue.