


[1.15.1] My kit is not working (items with HideFlags, coloured leather cap, enchantments, and custom names and lores)

Nevrai opened this issue · 5 comments



Full output of /ess version:

Server version: 1.15.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Paper-62 (MC: 1.15.1)
EssentialsX version:
LuckPerms version: 5.0.39
Vault version: 1.7.2-b107
EssentialsXChat version:

Server log:

EssentialsX config

Help request

My kit is not working.

When I use the /kit command to give myself the kit, I only get the axe and 5 bread. I don’t get the rest of the items. The error I get is ”Error: That kit is improperly defined. Contact an administrator.”

Kit code from kits.yml:

    delay: -1
    - stone_axe 1 name:&7The_Tin_Axe lore:&bSmite_I_ damage_undead:1 itemflags:HIDE_ENCHANTS
    - bread 5
    - leather_helmet 1 name:&7The_Tin_Cap lore:&bProjectile_Protection_I_ protection_projectile:1
    - wheat_seeds 1
    - cobblestone 64

The kit was created in-game using the /kitcreate command.

What I have tried
I’ve tested whether it’s due to the HideFlags:1 NBT tag, the custom name and lore text, or the coloured leather armour, but any of those on their own works just fine in a kit. This kit in particular, though, does not.

Kit issue


We prefer people use the EssentialsX Discord for this kind of question, as there are plenty of people there who are able to help with proper usage of the plugin. Github is generally more used for bug reports and feature requests so it may take more time to get your questions answered.

The error is most likely itemflags:HIDE_ENCHANTScolor:10329495 as you did not put a space there.

In general, I would recommend removing lines from the kit that do not work and re-writing them one value at a time (try to spawn the kit with a default leather helmet, then try to add the name, etc). That way you can tell easily when you did something wrong.


@pop4959 Thanks. I’ll use the Discord in the future.

However, like I said, I didn’t create the kit manually in the file. I used the /kitcreate command. So, there must be a bug with the command.


The createkit command isn't really a complete replacement for making the kits in the config file; it's more of an aid. There have been talks about improving it, but it is a rather difficult task since Spigot itself does not currently support replicating some types of extra data that certain items may have.

My apologies though, as I did read over the part that said you used /creatkit (since it was directly underneath your kit code). Feel free to create a bug report if you find something that /createkit is doing incorrectly (such as placing spaces incorrectly if you are sure you did not do that yourself), which should work normally. We would look into it.


Perhaps this issue should be re-opened as it is a bug?


Feel free to create a bug report if you find something that /createkit is doing incorrectly (such as placing spaces incorrectly if you are sure you did not do that yourself), which should work normally. We would look into it.

Please file a bug report and include all requested information, as well as providing steps to replicate the issue so that it can be confirmed and fixed. For example, a list of commands you used or actions you took in order to encounter the bug.