


Feature Requests - multiple misc features

Azulw opened this issue ยท 2 comments


sorry for my bad english.
Hello, Features Request:
1: More Economy things like:

  • Taxes (for transactions and deposits)

2: More "Sudo" Features:

  • add this (is very useful and poweful):
    "/vssudo < p/c > < Permission > < Player > < CommandBase+Args > +vsign < More Args >"
    • what do this do?= open a sign or anvil and that ask a text, and next when player write a text the command will be executed with the text who the player put
      • what do the <p/c>?= Player or console (which will execute the command)
      • what do ?= if player has the permission the command will be executed
      • what do ?= the player name
      • what do <CommandsBase+Args>?= The Command and her arguments
        -what do +vsign?= is the part where the data are obtained from the signs or anvils and placed in these part (+vsign are an arguments)
      • what do ?= more arguments or noting
      • Example1: /vssudo p plot.add Azulw Plotme add +vsign
      • Example2: /vssudo c custom.banperm Azulw ban +vsign +vsign
        (first +vsign are the name of the player, secod +vsign are the reason)
        -Why this are super Powerful?= This can be used for so many applications like create a amazing Smart gui whit another plugin, create a ultra customized things like a smart command blocks, Custom Commands whit that. create a GUIS For all whit any chest commands or like this.

3: Prefix, suffix, support in tablist, Player Name (the name above the player) will be afected whit the ./nick

  • that be customizable

4: Leverage the new powerful features of 1.8 like a titles, subtitles, actionbar.
for what ?

  • For messages (in actionbar)
  • For Notifications (in action bar like: payments, mail notifications, taxes, kit notifications like: time coldown and so moch more)
  • All configurable And Compatible with other plugins

5: async Features, for best perforance, only load which is used.

  • Features can be disabled or enabled

6: an extensible and flexible api-core.

  • a api can allow store-Modiffy information in the userdata
  • a Json based Player data stored, or similar (that suport "stream-read-write")
  • the data through the API can be with async features
  • An api That allow store data in the essentials dir.
  • Not "cache world" (that help perforance but eat the ram) i suggest a temp-cache and get helped from the json or similar.
  • More Options for /Kits, /give, /i (such as more NBT options)
  • Only load the data who is used.
  • clean code, less jar size.

- _

Thank for read ;) , I hope added that some of these improvements, ;)
have a good day.


You're making it hard for us to be lazy.


Please make this into separate requests. There is way too much here to keep track of, especially in a single issue.