


Createkit command does not save book metadata

JustOneMoreBlock opened this issue ยท 13 comments



I've tested your /createkit command and I've been wanting this as a plugin for ages and now it's in a fork of Essentials, that's a plus. Good work!

Works on almost everything except for books and I'm not sure if this is something you can fix.

After creating a book with same text and adding it as kit. It saves the title and author just fine. However the books says.

  • Invalid book tag *

I know there are plugins that can read books and convert them to text, so I'm pretty sure this could be possible using the books feature in Essentials.


Yes :( I never added that and was waiting for someone to notice. The book code is kinda meh and I just wanted to get it out.

This is definitely needed though.


+1, would be nice if the 'book:' tag was supported.


You can use the command function to give the kit though!




@ShameMate in the mean time, you could use a kit command to give the player the book


@ShameMate in the mean time, you could use a kit command to give the player the book

I'm using /kitcreate

It then gives the error " invalid book tag" when opening the book


Yeah. Instead, you could use a custom give command (using /minecraft:give, presumably) and put that command in the kit.

    - steak 1
    - /minecraft:give {USERNAME} book_with_nbt_data

something like that


delay: 100
- cookie 1
- /minecraft:give {USERNAME} book_with_nbt_data

That didn't work :/ How would i make it find the desired book i want players to be given tho?


Heh, book_with_nbt_data was just a placeholder for your book. You can generate a /give command with a site like

Sorry, should've been clearer :^)


Any idea when this is going to get added?


Heh, book_with_nbt_data was just a placeholder for your book. You can generate a /give command with a site like

Sorry, should've been clearer :^)

Sorry i'm stupid haha.

I just tried it, and it's still not working :/

I'm using the 1.15 code the website gave me.

/give @p written_book{pages:['["",{"text":"------------------- \u0020 \u0020 \u0020"},{"text":"Belong Arena's","color":"light_purple"},{"text":"\n \u0020Offical Server Guide\n-------------------\n \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020Index\n-------------------\n\n2-3: Useful Commands\n4: Joining A Tribe\n5-13: Factions\n14: Protection\n15: Ban's & Mute's","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020Useful Commands","color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/TPA","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to teleport to friends.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/SetHome","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to set a home. You can return with ","color":"reset"},{"text":"/Home","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\nYou can also reset your home with the above command.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020Useful Commands","color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/MSG","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis command allows you to PM Friends, and they can reply with ","color":"reset"},{"text":"/R","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/Spawn","color":"red"},{"text":"\nUse this to return to Spawn, X:0 Z:0\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/Help","color":"red"},{"text":" \u0020/F Help","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will help explain commands further.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 Joining A Tribe","color":"red"},{"text":"\n-------------------\nAt Spawn you will be able to select which tribe you are from!\n\nSimply click on the sign!\n\nIf you aren't from one of our tribes, have a look on our website for the Arena closest to you!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\nA Faction is a Clan. Whether it's on your own, or with friends!\n\nAnyone can create a faction, and can also choose their enemy's & allys!\n\nNow let's talk about what a player means to a faction:","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\nPlayers have \"Power\". This Power allows you to claim land and protect it from others.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"Each player has \"20 Claims\"\n1x Claim = \n1x Chunk =\n16x16Blocks","color":"red"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Create ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to create your Faction.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Who/Show ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis tells you all the info about that Player/Faction\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Tag ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nUse this to change your Factions name!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Invite ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nTo invite a player to the Faction\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Join ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nTo join that desired Faction\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Kick ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nTo Remove a player from your Faction","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F List","color":"red"},{"text":"\nList all the Factions on the server!\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Map","color":"red"},{"text":"\nSee who owns Land near you!\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Desc","color":"red"},{"text":"\nUpdate your Factions description!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Sethome","color":"red"},{"text":"\nSet a home for your whole faction to use!\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F SetWarp ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nCreate a TP Location for your Faction!\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"(Each Faction Has 5x)","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Warps","color":"red"},{"text":"\nView the warps your Faction has set!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Claim ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will claim 1 chunk.\nIf you enter a radius, this claim's a square.\nNo one outside of your faction can edit this land.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Unclaim","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will unclaim the land you have selected.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F SeeChunk","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis command will allow you to see what chunk you are in! This is done by 4 Red Pillars.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Fly","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to Fly in your claimed land! Use the command to Toggle it on and off!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions","color":"blue"},{"text":"\n-------------------\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Perms","color":"red"},{"text":"\nYou can edit, everything to do with your faction! Like ranks, enemies, etc.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Mod \n/F CoLeader ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will give players a higher rank in your Faction.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020Protection","color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\n-------------------\nYou can lock your chests & doors by placing a Sign on them.\n\nThis makes it so other players cannot open them, except you. \n\nYou can add other players by using another sign!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 Ban's & Mute's","color":"red"},{"text":"\n-------------------\nIf you have any issue with Ban's & Mute's on the server, please raise this on our Discord.\n\nYou can do this by messaging in the Minecraft section, or DMing and Admin.","color":"reset"}]'],title:"Belong's Guide",author:ShameMate}

Tried the command it gave me, and the one you gave me :(


You'll need to append /minecraft: to the command, so it looks like /minecraft:give @p written_book{nbt_stuff}.

In the Essentials config, replace @p with {USERNAME} so it can use the player's username placeholder.


You'll need to append /minecraft: to the command, so it looks like /minecraft:give @p written_book{nbt_stuff}.

In the Essentials config, replace @p with {USERNAME} so it can use the player's username placeholder.

Still not working xD

  • /minecraft:give {USERNAME} written_book{pages:['["",{"text":"------------------- \u0020 \u0020 "},{"text":" Belong Arena's","color":"light_purple"},{"text":"\n \u0020Offical Server Guide\n-------------------\n \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020Index\n-------------------\n\n2-3: Useful Commands\n4: Joining A Tribe\n5-13: Factions\n14: Protection\n15: Ban's & Mute's","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020Useful Commands\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/TPA","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to teleport to friends.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/SetHome","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to set a home. You can return with ","color":"reset"},{"text":"/Home","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\nYou can also reset your home with the above command.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020Useful Commands\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/MSG","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis command allows you to PM Friends, and they can reply with ","color":"reset"},{"text":"/R","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/Spawn","color":"red"},{"text":"\nUse this to return to Spawn, X:0 Z:0\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/Help \u0020/F Help","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will help explain commands further.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 Joining A Tribe\n-------------------\nAt Spawn you will be able to select which tribe you are from!\n\n"},{"text":"Simply click on the sign!","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\nIf you aren't from one of our tribes, have a look on our website for the Arena closest to you!","color":"reset"}]','{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\nA Faction is a Clan. Whether it's on your own, or with friends!\n\nAnyone can create a faction, and can also choose their enemy's & allys!\n\nNow let's talk about what a player means to a faction:"}','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\nPlayers have \"Power\". This Power allows you to claim land and protect it from others.\n\n"},{"text":"Each player has \"20 Claims\"\n1x Claim = \n1x Chunk =\n16x16Blocks","color":"red"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F Create ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to create your Faction.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Who/Show ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis tells you all the info about that Player/Faction\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Tag ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nUse this to change your Factions name!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F Invite ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nTo invite a player to the Faction\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Join ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nTo join that desired Faction\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Kick ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nTo Remove a player from your Faction","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F List","color":"red"},{"text":"\nList all the Factions on the server!\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Map","color":"red"},{"text":"\nSee who owns Land near you!\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Desc","color":"red"},{"text":"\nUpdate your Factions description!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F Sethome","color":"red"},{"text":"\nSet a home for your whole faction to use!\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F SetWarp ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nCreate a TP Location for your Faction!\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"(Each Faction Has 5x)","color":"red"},{"text":"\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Warps","color":"red"},{"text":"\nView the warps your Faction has set!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F Claim ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will claim 1 chunk.\nIf you enter a radius, this claim's a square.\nNo one outside of your faction can edit this land.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Unclaim","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will unclaim the land you have selected.","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F SeeChunk","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis command will allow you to see what chunk you are in! This is done by 4 Red Pillars.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Fly","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis allows you to Fly in your claimed land! Use the command to Toggle it on and off!","color":"reset"}]','["",{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 Factions\n-------------------\n"},{"text":"/F Perms","color":"red"},{"text":"\nYou can edit, everything to do with your faction! Like ranks, enemies, etc.\n\n","color":"reset"},{"text":"/F Mod \n/F CoLeader ","color":"red"},{"text":"\nThis will give players a higher rank in your Faction.","color":"reset"}]','{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 \u0020 \u0020Protection\n-------------------\nYou can lock your chests & doors by placing a Sign on them.\n\nThis makes it so other players cannot open them, except you. \n\nYou can add other players by using another sign!"}','{"text":" \u0020 \u0020 Ban's & Mute's\n-------------------\nIf you have any issue with Ban's & Mute's on the server, please raise this on our Discord.\n\nYou can do this by messaging in the Minecraft section, or DMing and Admin."}'],title:"Belong's Guideawdwadawdawda",author:""}}