


Add nickname permission required to show nickname

Tomi010817 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Feature request

Feature description
Add an extra permission required to show the player's nickname. An example design of the permission could be "", so if the player doesn't have that permission, then it won't show his nickname, and will always show his realname until he owns the indicated permission. For example: If a player has all the permissions about essentials.nick, sets a colorful nick to himself, and then he looses all his permissions (this would include the one), then his realname would display. But if he obtains the permission again, then his colorful nickname set before, will display back again. (even tho he doesn't have permission to /nick)

How the feature is useful
First off, it would save me from a bunch of future headaches, since this feature would already fix my problematic issue on #3042 .
This would be very useful for successfully avoiding certain players and groups from having a nickname when they don't even have permission to set one (gotten because of previous access to it) making it visually very annoying. Some examples to show off how useful would be this feature:
1- If someone buys VIP rank and have access to set a colorful nick and then after 1 month it expires, then, when he is a simple user again, his nickname won't be shown, instead it will show his realname. But if he buys VIP rank again (means obtaining again), then his nickname will show up, displaying the one he set the last time he was VIP.
2- If someone is VIP rank and has a colorful nick set, and becomes a Moderator rank, then his nickname will disable and it will show his realname (since the permission is set to false on that group). This is useful because it would make staff members always show their realname, and I consider that staff always has to show their real name for reasons of respect. And if that person retires from his Moderator rank, and goes back to VIP rank, then his colorful nickname would be back.

Adittional Note
I know perfectly that this can be manually implemented by setting {USERNAME} on the group-formats of EssentialsXChat and before of {USERNAME} set the colored name of the group as your preference ... but... what if you have multiple group tracks? I have one track for vip, staff and user groups, and another track for rankup groups, displaying the highest priority/weight group owned by the player of each track on the chat format. So how can I set it up to work showing both groups on the chat? I've been dealing with finding a way to do it since many months ago, that is the reason why I posted this
that issue came up #3042 . It is not actually possible to do it when there is more than one group to be displayed on the chat. Maybe yes, there is one, by using DeluxeChat, but actually no, because if you use the chat-radius feature of EssentialsXChat, there is currently no way to show if the player is talking either locally or globally, that's my reason of why I submitted the feature request: #3161 , concluding that this feature request of simply adding a permission required to show the nickname, would solve all of my previous issues and also grant more manipulation over the nick feature of EssentialsX.

Thanks a lot for reading, regards!


First and Last bump, sorry if this isn't permitted :(
I have the feeling that this was only read by pop4959 and accidentally got lost between all the more recent githubs.

I hope reaally bad that this suggestion is accepted, I'm still awaiting for some opinion, reaction or someone to read it. And again, sorry for bumping.

It would get me rid of my headache since I launched my server recently and I'm already getting bothered by spying people chat and getting my display name (and rank) when they are out of my chat-radius just like it happens on this issue #3042.

It could work just like "" so if you give someone permission to "" and then you deny them "" they will have access to /fix but not /fix all.
Similar with nicks, if player has "essentials.nick" but he has the permission "" denied, he will be able to use /nick and everything, but his nick won't be displayed on chat and instead, his realname.


Nevermind, I fixed it :)