


Add an option to specify what essentialsX will log and what it will not log

crystalwizard opened this issue · 9 comments


Feature request

Feature description

Requesting that a logging configuration set up be added - this would allow the admin to determine what commands and player actions would be logged and what would not be.

How the feature is useful

At present there is no way to turn off essentialsX from logging things such as the /list command and the output from it, which runs every few seconds. And no way to tell it to log things such as the player location. Some admins might want to see every instance of /list or /kill. others might just want to see /list once an hour. And others might want the location recorded every time a player dies. Along with multiple other things admins want or don't want to see in their logs.

The problem with Essentials running /list repeatedly is caused by certain server hosts and panels. It's not something we can fix. You'll have to ask your host to stop running these commands on your server, or switch to another host.


I did read your request before closing it. What you're asking for is not possible for us to fix. The server handles executing commands, and output of these commands will appear in the console. Essentials cannot distinguish between commands run by you, and commands run by your panel / host. I'm sorry to say, but you're entirely responsible for fixing this on your own if it bothers you.


Feel free to make a PR.


Commands are automatically logged by the server, there is not a way to turn this off. I'm confused though. You've asked for Essentials not to log this, and now you want it to?


EssentialsX does not provide any support for modifying the logging output, and this isn't something I'm willing to accept as a pull request either - it causes confusion and makes it harder for us to provide support when logs are given.

If you're desperate to filter logging, you can create a custom Log4j2 configuration - this lets you filter and control logging from all plugins, Spigot and Minecraft itself. However, this isn't a supported setup as it makes it harder to spot causes of errors.


sigh. i tried to give an example. Let's try this again. There are a lot of
things essentials does and manages. I would like a way to configure all
those various things inside essentials. It could tell the server what to
log and what not to log of teh things it manages. /pay for example. A
configurator inside essentials could be set to tell the server only log
/pay once an hour or only log /pay IF someone pays more than X amount, and
so on.

What you're asking for is granular contextual filtering of logging for each individual EssentialsX feature. Adding this to EssentialsX would require rewriting pretty much the entire plugin. Furthermore, as stated above by pop, commands are logged by Spigot, not EssentialsX. There isn't a sane way for EssentialsX to tell Spigot not to log commands to the console.