


Teleportation/Coordinate Logging

nedthefed opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Feature request

Feature description
Add ability to enable logging of any teleportation related to essentials, top of my head:

  • tpa-send [<Date & Time>] [<world_name & xyz coords] requested to tp to [<world_name & xyz coords]

  • tpahere-send [<Date & Time>] [<world_name & xyz coords] requested [<world_name & xyz coords] to tp to them

  • tpaccept (only when successful) [<Date & Time>] [<world_name & xyz coords] teleported to [<world_name & xyz coords]

  • warp [<Date & Time>] [<world_name & xyz coords] teleported to warp "<warp_name>" at [<world_name & xyz coords]

  • setwarp [<Date & Time>] set warp "<warp_name>" [<world_name & xyz coords] (Location based on location of warp)

  • delwarp [<Date & Time>] removed warp "<warp_name>"[<world_name & xyz coords] (Location based on location of warp)

  • home [<Date & Time>] [<world_name & xyz coords] teleported to home "<home_name>" at [<world_name & xyz coords]

  • sethome [<Date & Time>] set home "<home_name>" [For user-2] [<world_name & xyz coords] (Location based on location of home) (Only add user-2 if staff force sets home)

  • delhome [<Date & Time>] removed home "<home_name>" [For user-2] [<world_name & xyz coords] (Location based on location of home) (Only add user-2 if staff force removes home)

How the feature is useful

Some of this information is already logged in server log files, but some servers I have access to have well over a hundred log files, ranging from 3-10Mb, which can reach 7 figures worth of lines to search through. To my knowledge, the information I'm asking to be logged is more indepth than what is currently logged, and having it thrown into a separate location than the main logs, meaning it'll be more accessible, and more useful to those with file access.

Often times users are able to teleport around through warps, homes & teleports and it becomes difficult to track if they're doing nefarious tasks like hiding duped items, teleporting other accounts where they shouldn't be & so on. This logging will provide a way to check how each user is moving around the server, and who they're interacting with.

I have been told this is possible to do custom, though I think that just having this as an option for those who want it would prove useful in better finding rule breakers.


Not sure that we're interested in adding such a feature currently, and it sounds quite niche in use case. This would probably be better off as a custom plugin (which you mentioned, people already recommended you do), which uses PlayerTeleportEvent and logs teleportation for all plugins, not just Essentials.

Aside from that, I also this it would be more effective to use a plugin that is designed for preventing exploits and hacks. Even if you log teleports, there are going to be far too many for you to look through, and you'll have no clue most of the time even if it was used as part of "nefarious tasks". There are plenty of anti-exploit and anti-hack plugins available.