


Trade signs bug (suffix)

EliasRipley opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Version: 2.18.05
Issue: Trade signs do not function correctly if "currency-symbol-suffix:" is set to true.
You are able to sell items for currency, but you cannot set the sign to buy items with currency in this circumstance.
Have confirmed that when setting the "currency-symbol-suffix" back to false, the trade signs function correctly again.


The bottom sign looks like it has more than one problem with it, I don't think the stock is supposed to have a currency symbol in it.


From what I remember, it was throwing that in when I was just inputting numeric data. (Which works when trading the other way fine.)
I'll swap the config back and double check this for you though.


Yup. With this setting as false, I am able to not have to worry about using the currency symbol (which is c in our server, short for "coins" and why we would prefer it as a suffix.)
However, if true, it throws up this "Error: Quantities must be greater than 0"


Actually this is stranger than expected, trying just numbers on third line (10:2) gets the screenshot result "sign has nothing for you"
If I try:
10c:2 - I get "quantities must be greater than 0"
c10:2 - I get "null"


Switching back to false for now though. ๐Ÿ˜„


Should be fixed as of latest dev builds, let me know if the issue persists


@EliasRipley I couldn't replicate the issue as you described it here so I'll probably close this later unless there is more information. Can you provide your full Essentials config as well as other required information for the bug report (server version, /essentials version, etc)? An example of setting up working signs vs not when the option is switched to true would be helpful as well.