


Exclude inactive players from /baltop

HexedHero opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Feature request

Feature description
Very simple! A config setting like
baltop-inactive-time: 30d
for example which is 30 days.

Then when /baltop is requested and sorted, exclude all players that have been offline for 30+ days.

How the feature is useful
Keeps /baltop competitive and only shows active players.


I think this is an incredible idea. Perhaps a permissions node can be included as well to allow people to bypass being excluded even if they are past the time limit defined in the config?


I think this is an incredible idea. Perhaps a permissions node can be included as well to allow people to bypass being excluded even if they are past the time limit defined in the config?

A permission node would not be relevant here since the player wouldn't be online. Most permission systems do not support checking permissions for offline players. It also probably wouldn't make much sense to begin with since why would you enable such a system just to bypass it, and especially given that it would be so easy to include yourself (by simply logging in once in a while).


This is a good setting, but it would be a better idea to add in if the value is set to 0, it disables this feature for those who still want to display them for unlimited time. Other than that, this is a good feature. Also it should have an option to exclude permanent banned players from baltop as they wouldnt be relevant anymore.