killall error
PhanaticD opened this issue ยท 7 comments
/killall chicken 10
gave me this error:
Are you certain this is coming from us? We don't seem to have any errors similar to what you got.
error is right here I took a screenshot:
I understand, but what I meant is that the error is nowhere to be found in the EssentialsX codebase as far as I can see.
EDIT: what version of Essentials are you using and what plugins do you have enabled?
EssentialsX build 246
AsyncWorldEditInjector, CleanroomGenerator, WorldEdit, DuckTrails, LimitCreative, OpenInv, InterestingFish, BarAPI, CommandHelper, EnhancedKick, MobEggSpawnerBlocker, ClearLag, Cricket, Buycraft, Chairs, Saikban-RMI, PortalRange, Lockette, Votifier, PvPToggle, WorldGuard, ProtocolLib, NoCheatPlus, FilterPwned, BungeePortals, AsyncWorldEdit, WorldRatio, Shopkeepers, RedstoneClockDetector, skySMP, Cookbook, EchoPet, PermissionsEx, Simple-AutoSave, BookExploitFix, BlockAlias, HideStream, ChatManager, Prism, DisguiseCraft, PlayerHeads, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, AutoAnnouncer, PwnFilter, CodelanxLib, SkyblockConverter, Vault