


[Suggestion] - Update to kits system, changes to "kitpreview", add "kitsearch", add "kitstatus"

GenSecrets opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Feature Request: Update to kits system

Feature description:

1) KitPreview:
Remodel /kitpreview command to by default open a chest GUI that can't be edited, and contains the kit items in the chest GUI for the person to look at

  • Add a -plaintext flag to the /kitpreview command and a kitpreview-use-gui: false line to the config for server-wide choice

2) KitSearch:
Add a new command /kitsearch which allows a user (who has permission, default to OP) to search ALL kits they have access to for specific things

  • The format would be /kitsearch <query> and by default it would search for NAME
  • Add option flags similar to what is currently parsed in the kits.yml files. For instance, /kitsearch -e:unbreaking=5,sharpness=4 -l:lore_here -b:block_type -author:book_author etc.
  • This is the type of suggestion where I would love to see the search queries really thrive to be expansive as possible
  • The result of the search would be structured like follows:
    "Found <#> of kits matching your criteria: testkit, adminKit, exotic5, noobnotch"

3) KitStatus:
Add a new command /kitstatus which works almost exactly as it sounds. It shows the status of a specific kit (if there are any errors in it) but MORE IMPORTANTLY, shows a summary status of ALL kits.

  • The command could be ran like /kitstatus by itself and would show: the total number of kits registers and properly defined, the total number of kits that could not be defined, the total number of files in the /kits folder that could not be read (ie yaml error, but idk if this specific thing is a real need or not, just something that sounds useful for dev's #support), and the total number of all kit files in the /kits folder.
  • Running the command by itself also would list all of names of the kits that are improperly defined
  • If you ran /kitstatus <workingkit> it would simply inform you "This kit is properly defined!"
  • If you ran /kitstatus <nonworkingkit> it would inform you "This kit is improperly defined!" and also display the plaintext kitpreview of that non working kit to your screen
  • Any other information that would be useful for debugging kit related problems or knowing the status and general details/useful details about the kit system being ran on a server

4) Kit Organization
Add the ability to organize kits into a subfolder so that people can group similar kits together into one file. This would let people define as many files as they want in order to organize and store their kits more efficiently. It ideally would be optional, if not needed by a small server. Would be extremely beneficial to either large servers, or servers with very intricate play systems revolving around kits that either players or staff use (like ours).

  • Would be a folder called "kits" and all files inside it would be similar to the main kits.yml file

How the feature is useful:

1) KitPreview:

  • Seeing the plaintext version of kits (as currently is the case) is just fine for people who have used the kits.yml file, but the majority of our staff who handle kits have never touched a config file because those dozen or so people handling daily tickets and item replacements/fixes/grief tickets work in-game primarily. Previewing the actual result of the item without having to obtain then trash the item numerous times would increase workflow

2) KitSearch:

  • Similar to the above reason, our server is very large in terms of kits and age. We're roughly 11 years old, have 3 main network servers, average 5 extremely large events & 3 mini-events a year, monthly crates with cards and rewards, jobs, etc. We have a HUGE reliance on kits and have for years on end. Our total count is roughly anywhere from 1500-2k at the moment (we absolutely love the ability to use the /kits folder, please never take that away haha), and it's honestly not a single performance kicker at all. However, the performance kicker happens when our staff is trying to find items that are in kits for sake of replacing items for players or grief tickets. Often times if they can't guess the kit name (or know it) then they have to ask a development-side staff member to search the kit files for the item. Would be nice if this could be done in game, would save time and trouble for both sides of our staff team

3) KitStatus:

  • This would help us tremendously because with such a bulk number of kits, updating from 1.12.2 to 1.16 was a total pain in the read end. I'm sure there's the occasional kit that is still improperly defined and needs updating, or, there will be one added incorrectly in the future unknowingly.
  • This would help the plugin support team troubleshoot kit related issues! As needed (since the kit system is huge) they can simply ask people to run /kitstatus and treat it as a kit related debug command :)