


[Suggestion] eco trade direcly, not by withdrawal

saturnux opened this issue ยท 6 comments


At this time, for trade sign, you can withdrawal for give your money account.
can you do that "sign trade" directly do the transaction?


I don't understand this request - any chance you could explain it further?


Oh, my apologies - I didn't understand the first time round.

I'm not sure if there is a reason that Essentials always stored balances in the trade sign, rather than directly depositing it in the user's balance; I'm guessing that it was probably to do with the fact that earlier economy systems didn't support offline players or something similar.


Can you make trade is direct. by linking by vault or other...

some player use trade sign for stock money, or stuff.


If a player isn't online, we can't always do permission checks to ensure that they're still allowed to receive funds from a sign. If an admin revoked the player's perms to use the sign but they had already created one, they wouldn't be able to withdraw funds from it, but if we modify their balance while they're offline, those permission checks won't be guaranteed to work properly.


when a player is not on line, you can give or take money on use "/eco give (or take)"


Yeah I don't think this is possible due to how permission systems still handle offline players, which is a bit flaky. It's probably best to leave this as is. Transferring funds directly would be a welcome convenience, but I think we'd want to see a PR first the proves this can actually be done.