


1.9 /spawnentity Shulker does not work

leasoncre opened this issue ยท 1 comments


"/spawnentity Shulker" does not work in 1.9 'Error: Invalid mob type.'

This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-b1c1b55-7d330bc (MC: 1.9) (Implementing API version 1.9-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Essentials version 2.0.1-b268
EssentialsProtect version 2.0.1-b268
EssentialsChat version 2.0.1-b268
EssentialsSpawn version 2.0.1-b268


git-Spigot-23e921f-8b69bdd (MC: 1.9) (Implementing API version 1.9-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Essentials version 2.0.1-b320
EssentialsChat version 2.0.1-b320
EssentialsProtect version 2.0.1-b320
EssentialsSpawn version 2.0.1-b320

command works now. BUT: i could only get 1 shulker to actually spawn, once when in gm 1
the other approx 15 times nothing spawned in, however i do see 'shulker opened/shulker closed' subtitle messages (and hear them). but no shulker in sight
restarting the server doesn't help, 'phantom' shulkers still can be heard

BUG? found out i had been spawning them on 1 block high surface and they would span below the surface. [one layer of grass, then about 5 air, then stone below] the shulkers would spawn on the stone when using the /spawnentity command (where i was looking as expected, but below the block i look at?)