


Aliases for /speed are misleading

Deveroonie opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Type of bug

Other unexpected behaviour

/ess dump all output

Error log (if applicable)

no error

Bug description

When doing /flyspeed, it effects the walkspeed

Steps to reproduce

  1. Be in /fly (or gamemode creative)
  2. Alter your fly speed (i used flyspeed 5)
  3. set it to 1
  4. observe output

Expected behaviour

it sets your flyspeed to one

Actual behaviour

it doesnt do anything (you default to walkspeed 1) but says you altered the walkspeed


tried it, it is the same for me

do you have the latest version?

Edit: if you start walking while fly mode is active it will alter your walkspeed, otherwise it works as normal.


Believe it or not this is actually not a bug, though very misleading. The /walkspeed and /flyspeed commands are actually aliases of /speed, which has the form /speed [type] <speed> [player].

So what you're actually intending to do (change the fly speed while not flying) should be /speed fly 5, as /speed 5 will just affect your current movement (be that walking or flying).