


/ice sending wrong message to target

minelolpride opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Type of bug

Other unexpected behaviour

/ess dump all output

Error log (if applicable)

No response

Bug description

As a player with full access to /ice, using it on another player will send both the Chilling <playername>. message as well as the You feel much colder... message, while the player issueing the command gets nothing.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have at least 2 users on a server, with one having full access to /ice. (the "admin")
  2. Have the "admin" use /ice on another user.

Expected behaviour

The "admin" should get the message saying Chilling <playername>., while the target gets the message You feel much colder....

Actual behaviour

The "admin" gets no messages, while the target gets both the Chilling <playername>. and You feel much colder... messages.


Can reproduce on Essentials 2.19.5-dev+22-9c5536b


Right after submitting this issue I realize I did not actually download the latest dev build from the downloads page, oops. I went and downloaded the latest dev build right afterwards and found this still happens, no changes there.
/ess dump all: