


[Feature] Add ability to delete all homes of a player / Temporary homes

AGuyNamedJens opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Feature description

There's a way to use tab completion using /delhome player:<press tab>, but this doesn't work on console commands/command blocks as they can't read the output of the console/command..
I would love to have a way to delete all homes by a similar system, like /delhome player:* using a wildcard to delete all occourences for that user?
Alternatively it would also work if there was a way to delete any homes that go beyond the user's home limit, both cases would work perfectly in my own use case, no idea about the rest of the server owners.

How the feature is useful

Since console commands, command blocks etc can't (as far as i'm aware) read the output / use tab completion, and home names can be technically anything, that with some features such as deleting all homes from a user as a punishment, or them losing rights to sethome.multiple making them keep the extra homes still is not ideal for every server.

Adding the feature to wildcard delete all the homes of a user (or any extra that go beyond their max home limit) would make managing temp homes useful, for example when you win a rank for a month and you get 3 more homes because it was set to do so, but after a month you no longer have those homes accessible.