


/toggleshout causing issues with shout/local chat

hexobt opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Type of bug

Other unexpected behaviour

/ess dump all output

Error log (if applicable)

No response

Bug description

Having /toggleshout enabled and typing a question mark by itself in chat outputs incorrectly in local when it should be in shout. Note, prefixing with ! correctly outputs in local.

Therefore the only way to type a question mark by itself in shout is to disable shout mode, then type !? in chat.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Type /toggleshout to enable shout mode.
  2. Type ? by itself in chat.

Expected behaviour

The question mark chat message should appear in Shout.

Actual behaviour

The question mark chat message appears in Local.


I am able to replicate this behavior


You have question chat enabled. Question chat is a separate channel to shout chat which is triggered by putting a ? at the start of the message. However, this shouldn't trigger a switch back to local chat.

Could you confirm whether this still happens with chat.question-enabled: false set in plugins/Essentials/config.yml? (Search for the question-enabled: true line and edit it.)


With chat.question-enabled: false the behavior is still the same. Single question mark in chat switches back to local while a question mark + other characters correctly goes to shout. In fact, multiple question marks eg. ??? go to shout; it's just messages with a single question mark by itself that's causing this issue.
