



Regomy opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Feature description

I want a player to be able to kill himself via /kill

How the feature is useful

I want a player to be able to kill himself via /kill


The command /kill is provided by vanilla, it is not an Essentials command. Essentials has a similarly named /suicide command which can be given to players instead if you want, granting the respective permission via a permission plugin such as LuckPerms.


The command /kill is provided by vanilla, it is not an Essentials command. Essentials has a similarly named /suicide command which can be given to players instead if you want, granting the respective permission via a permission plugin such as LuckPerms.

Is it so fucking hard to do a /kill to kill yourself?


You can use EssentialsX's /suicide to do what you want, or the EssentialsX /kill <player> command on either yourself or other players. You can alias those commands to do different things using commands.yml if you desire.

Please come back when you've calmed down. There is no need to create spam issues or get aggressive with folks helping you - we do this in our spare time.


Where's the fucking essentials.kill.others?


As mentioned previously, /kill is not an Essentials command. See Commands/kill on the minecraft wiki and here for Bukkit permissions.

For help with /suicide which is part of Essentials, please join the Discord server.