Type of bug
Other unexpected behaviour
/ess dump all
Error log (if applicable)
No response
Bug description
When a player quits, the {ONLINE}
placeholder in custom-quit-message
is replaced with the number of players before leaving, so it's always +1 more than it should be. This is probably due to PlayerQuit
event being fired before the player is disconnected.
To fix this issue, we need to simply subtract 1 from ess.getOnlinePlayers().size()
in the onPlayerQuit
event handler.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) |
public void onPlayerQuit(final PlayerQuitEvent event) { |
final User user = ess.getUser(event.getPlayer()); |
final Integer pendingId = pendingMotdTasks.remove(user.getUUID()); |
if (pendingId != null) { |
ess.getScheduler().cancelTask(pendingId); |
} |
if (hideJoinQuitMessages() || (ess.getSettings().allowSilentJoinQuit() && user.isAuthorized("essentials.silentquit"))) { |
event.setQuitMessage(null); |
} else if (ess.getSettings().isCustomQuitMessage() && event.getQuitMessage() != null) { |
final Player player = event.getPlayer(); |
final String msg = ess.getSettings().getCustomQuitMessage() |
.replace("{PLAYER}", player.getDisplayName()) |
.replace("{USERNAME}", player.getName()) |
.replace("{ONLINE}", NumberFormat.getInstance().format(ess.getOnlinePlayers().size())) |
.replace("{UPTIME}", DateUtil.formatDateDiff(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getStartTime())) |
.replace("{PREFIX}", FormatUtil.replaceFormat(ess.getPermissionsHandler().getPrefix(player))) |
.replace("{SUFFIX}", FormatUtil.replaceFormat(ess.getPermissionsHandler().getSuffix(player))); |
event.setQuitMessage(msg.isEmpty() ? null : msg); |
} |
user.startTransaction(); |
if (ess.getSettings().removeGodOnDisconnect() && user.isGodModeEnabled()) { |
user.setGodModeEnabled(false); |
} |
if (user.isVanished()) { |
user.setLeavingHidden(true); |
user.setVanished(false); |
} |
user.setLogoutLocation(); |
if (user.isRecipeSee()) { |
user.getBase().getOpenInventory().getTopInventory().clear(); |
} |
final ArrayList<HumanEntity> viewers = new ArrayList<>(user.getBase().getInventory().getViewers()); |
for (final HumanEntity viewer : viewers) { |
if (viewer instanceof Player) { |
final User uviewer = ess.getUser((Player) viewer); |
if (uviewer.isInvSee()) { |
uviewer.getBase().closeInventory(); |
} |
} |
} |
user.updateActivity(false, AfkStatusChangeEvent.Cause.QUIT); |
if (!user.isHidden()) { |
user.setLastLogout(System.currentTimeMillis()); |
} |
user.stopTransaction(); |
user.dispose(); |
} |
.replace("{ONLINE}", NumberFormat.getInstance().format(ess.getOnlinePlayers().size())) |
Steps to reproduce
- Put
placeholder in your custom-quit-message
. For example:
custom-quit-message: "&c&l- &4{USERNAME} &cleft the game &8(&7{ONLINE} online&8)"
- Join and then leave the server.
- Notice that the number is 1 instead of 0 despite no one being online.
Expected behaviour
placeholder should be replaced with the updated number of players after someone leaves.
Actual behaviour
placeholder is replaced with the outdated number of players before someone left.