


Respawn safe check event.

Remski01 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Feature description

Could a safe check be added to the respawn event? Currently if respawn-at-home-bed: is enabled(true) it will make a player respawn at the current bed location. (even if there is no bed present)

The issue is that if said location is in the air or even if no bed is present it will just spawn the player in the air what will cause fall damage what might can kill a player if he is spawned with less hearts then full, causing a infinite fall death until someone else helps him.

Or, if too. Could atleast a check be added to see if there is still a bed present at the location. If not(or if its AIR) it makes the player get teleported to a preset location. (to be set in the config)

How the feature is useful

Not have someone die upon respawning. Not to mention that there should be atleast a check if said location is AIR.

A example how this could be added to the config:

    - bedLocation
    - homeLocation
    - spawn
    - worldSpawn