

2M Downloads is not completely working

Sandukhan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Type of bug

Compatibility issue

/ess dump all output

Error log (if applicable)

No response

Bug description

Some option in the config.yml seems to break message formating with the latest dev build of essentials. I used a custom and tried diffrent files, inculing the default message file:

Not sure wich option does that, couldnt figure it out.

Steps to reproduce

Add custom like:

Change some options in config file.

Expected behaviour

Strings from should be used.

Actual behaviour

Not all strings are used. /mail command description falls back to some uncolored, unformated hardcoded white message.

Additional Information

No response


like the "/mail" command wich sould be the "mailCommandUsage" string.

As "custom" message file i used the default essentials message file:

same problem with any other file, edited or not.


I believe custom translations were moved into a sub-folder rather than the main Essentials folder. Is that perhaps the issue?


Hi, can you give specific examples of strings that are not working for you? If you can attach your custom message file that would be helpful as well.


No i had the message file in the "messages" folder to begin with. I tried the latest version of essentials and could nail it a bit more down:

Problem 1: "Stings in the message file"

These 3 strings in the message file, seems to be a issue:

commandHelpLine1=Command Help: /{0}
commandHelpLine2=Description: {0}

Looks like "commandHelpLine2=" is not able to pickup on a commands description, like:

mailCommandDescription=Manages inter-player, intra-server mail.

Changing anything in "mailCommandDescription" is not picked up by "commandHelpLine2"

Problem 2: "Settings in the essetials config"

commandHelpLine2 completly breaks then using some option in the essetials config, other than default settings.
Still not sure wich one....

Problem 3: "Reloading Essentials"

Reloading Essentials after switching language files and while using the default config of essentials, does not load all new strings from a file. Its the 3 amigos again:

"commandHelpLine1=", "commandHelpLine2=" and "commandHelpLine3=", maybe some more.

I need to restart the server for Essentials to load the correct ones.