


Player join messages doesn't appear at discord when it's the first time a player joins

snurre0 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Type of bug

Other unexpected behaviour

/ess dump all output

Error log (if applicable)

No response

Bug description

With the EssentialsX discord addon set up to post chat and join/leave messages to a discord channel, and a brand new player joins the server, their join-message doesn't appear at discord. All other join messages do appear.

Steps to reproduce

  • Set up the discord addon to display chat and join/leave messages in a discord channel
  • Have a brand new player that has never been on the server join
  • Have a player that has been on the server before also join

Expected behaviour

Both join messages should appear at discord

Actual behaviour

Only join messages from the player that has been on the server before appear on discord, not the join message for the brand new player.

Additional Information

In-game screenshot of one old player and one new player joining:

The chat log from discord from the same time:


Please send a new /ess dump all link, as this one's invalid.


Please send a new /ess dump all link, as this one's invalid.

Oh, I see that now. Link in the first post has now been updated.


I cannot reproduce this on a fresh setup. Your EssentialsX Discord appears to be missing several settings, including the first-join message type. You can compare your current config.yml with the default one found on github linked here and add any missing settings.

Additionally, I recommend employing the binary search method to check for conflicting plugins, if any, in your setup causing this.


I cannot reproduce this on a fresh setup. Your EssentialsX Discord appears to be missing several settings, including the first-join message type. You can compare your current config.yml with the default one found on github linked here and add any missing settings.

Additionally, I recommend employing the binary search method to check for conflicting plugins, if any, in your setup causing this.

All right, thank you for checking it out!
I will look over my config and try to fix whatever is going on with our setup.

Btw, I had the impression that Essentials would update it's config when there were changes to config options, during upgrade. At least that used to be the case, right?
That said, I haven't touched my essentials discord config since I added the first quite early build of essentials discord.


Updating the config did the trick, thanks a lot!