


When the player exits, an incorrect value was returned using the {ONLINE} variable in the custom message.

HotWaterFlask opened this issue · 1 comments


Type of bug

Other unexpected behaviour

/ess dump all output

Error log (if applicable)

No response

Bug description

I set config.yml to
custom-join-message: "&6[{ONLINE}/100]&e{USERNAME} Join the game!"
custom-quit-message: "&6[{ONLINE}/100]&e{USERNAME} Left the game!"

If two players are online and a player named "abc" leaves the game, the server will send "&6 [2/100]&eabc Left the game!" to the online player.
But the correct thing is that the server should send "&6 [1/100]&eabc Left the game!" to online players.
The server should return the number of online players after the player left, rather than the number of online players before leaving.

Steps to reproduce

1.At least two online players.
2.Modify config.yml and use the {ONLINE} variable in custom quit message. /ess reload
4.One of the players disconnects from the server (exits the game).

Expected behaviour

server should send "&6 [1/100]&eabc Left the game!" to online players.

Actual behaviour

the server will send "&6 [2/100]&eabc Left the game!" to the online player.

Additional Information

The server should return the number of online players after the player left, rather than the number of online players before leaving.


This was fixed as of #5541. Please update to the latest development build.