



renzotom opened this issue · 9 comments


Hello, when I use /fly PLAYER, it write him enabled, when I try it again, also enabled, but he can´t fly. I can spam /fly player and him it write enabled, enabled, enabled, but he can´t fly. Maybe sometimes, there is disabled and he can´t fly before I disabled it, but I must spam to do it. Fix it please. I use same version of essentialsX and spigot how in my issue about Gamemode 3.


Thanks for your report. Are you able to provide the server startup log when this happened? I have a feeling something - or someone - else is toggling that player's flight mode.

P.S. you can find the server startup log in your server's logs folder.


Wow. You really need sort out your server. I've no idea why you have a plugin called RuntimeCompiler but that sounds absolutely stupid.

Anyways, nothing indicates Essentials being at fault here. I must ask that you fix all of your issues and then come back to us for help. There is a huge mess and anyone of those errors can be interfering with EssentialsX and other functionality.

Please make another issue once you have resolved all of these issues.


I don´t know, what is runtimecompiler plugin, I don´t have it in folder, it probably make another plugin. And what are there for problems? I know problem with RandomTeleport and Kingdoms, Sorter (I report all) but another?


Honestly your log file scares me.

  1. Line 12: Incorrect CraftBook jar file.
  2. Line 146: LogBlock cannot connect to MySQL server. Contact your server host to obtain your MySQL details and insert them into the LogBlock config appropriately.
  3. Line 989: AdvancedKitsReloaded plugin config incorrect. You'll have to ask them for information on how to fix.
  4. Line 1879: SpecializedCrates BasicCrate can't load properly. Contact them for help.
  5. Line 2146: FurnitureMaker has a NullPointerException. Contact them for help.
  6. Line 2237: CubeRunner cannot connect to MySQL server, repeat step 2 for CubeRunner's config.
  7. Line 2403: Error in FurnitureLib all the way to the bottom.

If you wish to resolve this issue quicker I would ask that you disable all the plugins but EssentialsX and see if the issue still happens.

If it does type /ess debug. Then, type /fly twice. Then, open the log file and put it in http// like you did.


Ok, gamemode also work with essentials only. I try it.


And sorry, I thought, this bug was from EssentialsX. You can close that.


Here is log, and it work :/ You don´t know, what plugin can block it? Maybe Pfly ? It is buggy for this version


I'm not entirely sure. You'll have to disable one plugin at a time until it works.