


EssentialsX/Chat refuses to detect groups from group managers

gergy008 opened this issue ยท 3 comments



I'm having an issue with Essentials that I've tried absolutely everything to fix. I've drilled it down to being a bug with Essentials as nothing seems to work.

I'm in a group called Owner, for example. I can do things without op, because owner has the essentials.* permission node. That means I am in the Owner group, because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to run high-level commands. If I remove my group, I no longer am able to run these commands.

No matter what group I am in, /list shows everyone on the server is in the default group.
Regardless of anything. I can still run high level commands, but /list does not show me in the Owner group.

This issue has come up because I have no way to set the prefix for users for EssentialsXChat to display. The formatting is correct, that was solved a long time back. But essentials just refuses to detect what group players are in.

Please send help. It's driving me crazy. I'm using the latest builds, and I've even tried older ones. Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.10 tested, using Spigot git-Spigot-078e2f8-7f9fbe5. I've used 1.10 version of Spigot. I think I've tried everything at this point!


I should also mention that I'm not really using any other plugins. My plugin list is all of the essentialsx kit, worldedit-bukkit-6.1.3, fastasyncworldedit-bukkit110.3.5.1-etc

My essentials log for /list is:

[10:37:53 INFO]: gergy008 issued server command: /list
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] checking if gergy008 has essentials.mail - true
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] checking if gergy008 has essentials.list - true
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] checking if gergy008 can afford charge.
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] calculated command (list) cost for gergy008 as 0
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] checking if gergy008 has essentials.list.hidden - true
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] looking up groupname of gergy008 - default
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] looking up groupname of LeeSin_To_Me_Ok - default
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] looking up groupname of KushKingKurtis - default
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] looking up groupname of gergy008 - default
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] attempting to charge user gergy008
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] calculated command (list) cost for gergy008 as 0
[10:37:53 INFO]: [Essentials] charge user gergy008 completed

Group Manager < Everything else available


I was trying pex too.
Fixed it anyway.

Keep this here in case others need help, you need Vault. Go get it. It was in my server logs the entire time but I misinterpreted its' importance.