


Colored Item Titles not working

malonnnn opened this issue · 14 comments


So I was using commands like the following in commandblocks on my server:

/give @p "minecraft:iron_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:10}],display:{Name:§4D§0ea§4dP§0oo§4l's Katana}}"

And the name used to be colored using § characters as you can see above.

But as of recent, the item names once in your hand look like:

using latest EssentialsX (build 403) and spigot

[04:35:57 INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-078e2f8-7f9fbe5 (MC: 1.10.2) (Implementing API version 1.10.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
[04:35:57 INFO]: Checking version, please wait...
[04:35:58 INFO]: You are running the latest version

I think this is an essentialsX error, because default spigot is unable to produce custom color names by itself, and it used to work for me.

Thank you!


@malonnnn As far as I'm concerned, it was an error on your part.


Use /minecraft:give


Even with minecraft:give the item name still isnt' colored.

I don't believe spigot by itself can create colored item names.

But a week ago I was using colored item names with just the /give command in commandblocks.

It stopped working this past week, so my deduction seemed to point to essentialsx. If I'm wrong, I apologize.


Why was this closed?


See the Wiki to learn how to spawn colored items.

Example: /give player dirt 1 name:&6Hi_&2this_&3is_&1multicolored



Thank you, I'm attempting this method now, but I'm running into some issues

/give @p "minecraft:fishing_rod 1 0 {ench:[{id:61,lvl:32767},{id:62,lvl:8}],display:{Name:§eA§6qua§2man's Perfect Fishing Rod}}"
/give @p "minecraft:leather_helmet 1 0 {ench:[{id:5,lvl:50},{id:6,lvl:1},{id:8,lvl:3}],display:{color:13291780},display:{Name:§eA§6qua§2man's Public §9Water Helmet}}"

/give @p "minecraft:fishing_rod 1 luckofthesea:32767 lure:8 name:&eA&6qua&2man's_Perfect_Fishing_Rod"
/give @p "minecraft:leather_helmet 1 respiration:50 aquaaffinity:1 depthstrider:3 name:&eA&6qua&2man's_Public_&9Water_Helmet"

I'm trying to convert the top one to the bottom one, do you see anything wrong? The issue I am getting is that the converted water helmet is not spawning at all and the fishing rod has lure 3 for some reason, and is lacking the other two enchantments.



Sorry but another one, I can't find documentation on how to spawn the following item, how can I spawn a specific shield pattern with a custom name?

/give player minecraft:shield 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:14,Patterns:[{Pattern:gra,Color:11},{Pattern:gru,Color:1},{Pattern:tt,Color:11},{Pattern:cbo,Color:0},{Pattern:tt,Color:0},{Pattern:moj,Color:0},{Pattern:mc,Color:0},{Pattern:bo,Color:0}]},display:{Name:§4§lAr§0§le§4§ls's §4Shield}}


I don't think that is possible. You can spawn preset banners though.


You would need to set unsafe-enchantments to true in your config.yml.

  • Remove the " from the command
  • No need to prefix item names with minecraft:.
  • You can keep the enchantment id's if you wish (61:32767)

Poor Github user @p getting spammed with your tags 😢



Sorry, @p! I won;t use your name anymore!

I'm still having trouble;

/give player 346 1 61:32767 62:8 name:&eA&6qua&2mans_Perfect_Fishing_Rod
/give player() 298 1 5:50 6:1 8:3 name:&eA&6qua&2mans_Public_&9Water_Helmet

The helmet still doesn't spawn.
The error:

[17:55:40] There is no such item with name minecraft:298

Also, I can't allow unsafe enchantments in the config because a certain group is allowed the /enchant command. I only want to be able to spawn OP weapons with a commandblock. How can I do that?


You can allow it, just don't hand out the permission essentials.enchantments.allowunsafe.
The command you provided is fine, are you sure that you removed the minecraft: prefix? Otherwise the error message doesn't make any sense.



I copied and pasted directly from the commandblock right to here. I can make a twitch video proving it. I promise you that's the error.


Here's another direct copy/paste from the commandblock (i changed @ p to player)

/give player 298 1 5:50 6:1 8:3 name:&eA&6qua&2mans_Public_&9Water_Helmet


Works perfectly fine on my end, I copied your command into a commandblock.




Thank you, I've got it sorted out now. Your help is very appreciated.