


[Request] Y-Offset on teleport to fix teleport lag.

mibby opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When you teleport around, due to teleportation lag you teleport half a block in the ground until it forces you back up a second later. For example, create a warp somewhere far off in the world, then teleport between that warp and spawn. You'll be half a block in the ground for a second when teleporting, every time. Even local host testing.

I'm requesting a setting to adjust Y-Offset for all teleports handled by Essentials to fix the teleportation lag. :) An arena plugin I use recently fixed this problem with a 0.5 block Y-offset with teleports it handles.


I'm not entirely comfortable with this solution. A solution to this issue is loading chunks before teleportation. Since EssentialsX's teleports are general teleports (not focused like an Arena plugin) this might cause unexpected results in different cases.


Yeah this is not really something that Essentials can completely fix IIRC, as it's an issue with teleportation in general. Y-offset would be more of a hack rather than offering a real solution.