Original essentials maven repo is down [BREAKS BUILDING]
sgdc3 opened this issue ยท 11 comments
The repo.ess3.net maven repo is offline, thsi means that EssentialsX willfail building due to missing dependencies. @drtshock Could you move the deps to your repo?
aww :( @khobbits any input on this?
I can't remember who hosted that. Think it was either Chrisward or ementalo. If you rehost I can point the domain to the new one.
Yeah we have someone that sponsors an OVH vps for us for the CI. Can just put it on there.
@drtshock why don't you just use the jenkins repository plugin?
It works only if you use the "install" task i think @drtshock
I'm running clean install as the maven goal. I have it setup to archive build artifacts to the maven repo as a post build action. Not sure what else to do.
repo.ess3.net seems to be online again ;) @drtshock