


add-prefix-in-playerlist & add-suffix-in-playerlist ignored?

molor opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I have the following settings:

change-displayname: true
change-playerlist: true
add-prefix-suffix: true
add-prefix-in-playerlist: false
add-suffix-in-playerlist: false

But prefix and suffix is still added in playerlist after player with prefix and/or suffix joined the server.


Did you restart the server?


@rye761, yes, restarted.


This is also happens if I change "change-playerlist" to "false" (other settings not changed) and any player with prefix/suffix go to AFK mode (afk-list-name: "&7{PLAYER}"). I'm use PermissionsEx prefixes and suffixes.


I have the same issue, can confirm it happens in Build #460 (from Jenkins).


@molor @NewBestX What other plugins do you have installed?


@md678685 I did not manage to reply in time, however I can confirm it has been fixed in build #462

EDIT: Actually, it isn't properly fixed. In the builds before the bug occurred, if you added a colored prefix, the player would get the color in the playerlist from the prefix. For instance, the prefix "&4Moderator " would result in a red colored name of the player in the playerlist. I hope you can make it the way it was before as soon as possible. Thank you!


Build #466 reverted the previous fix.
Can you please do a proper fix in the near future? Have in mind what I explained in the previous comment.


Since there haven't been any reports of this being an issue in over 3 years, nor confirmed as a bug, I will be closing this issue. If it's still a problem for you guys please feel free to make a new issue on the latest version of Essentials.


This is technically still broken, but most people now assume the current behaviour is the intended behaviour and so it doesn't get reported as a bug any more. At some point it may be worth changing this but right now it's too much of an inconvenience to break the current behaviour.