


Installation Issues ( zip file is empty)

benjamin-antupit opened this issue · 5 comments


Hello people at EssentialsX!
I was trying to install EssentialsX, Protect, Spawn, Chat and AntiBuild on my Minecraft 10.2 server, but after I add the files to /plugins/, the plugins do not create directories or config files, they just spit errors into the console log (below). Once the server starts and I run /plugins from in game, EssentialsX and the other parts do not show up in the list. I would be happy to try any solutions you might have and provide additional info.

Console Log:
[10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.10.2 [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266 (MC: 1.10.2) (Implementing API version 1.10.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Debug logging is disabled [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12 [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type [10:36:32] [Server thread/WARN]: Plugin Ram_Monitor v1' uses the space-character (0x20) in its name Ram Monitor' - this is discouraged [10:36:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/EssentialsX.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [?:1.8.0_66] Caused by: zip file is empty at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] ... 5 more [10:36:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/EssentialsXAntiBuild-2.0.1.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [?:1.8.0_66] Caused by: zip file is empty at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] ... 5 more [10:36:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/EssentialsXSpawn-2.0.1.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [?:1.8.0_66] Caused by: zip file is empty at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] ... 5 more [10:36:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins/EssentialsXChat-2.0.1.jar' in folder 'plugins' org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_10_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] at [?:1.8.0_66] Caused by: zip file is empty at Method) ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at java.util.jar.JarFile.( ~[?:1.8.0_66] at ~[spigot.jar:git-Spigot-455072c-43ab266] ... 5 more [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Set PluginClassLoader as parallel capable [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Loading PermissionsEx v1.23.4 [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [Ram_Monitor] Loading Ram_Monitor v1 [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Loading BuycraftX v10.1.3 [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Loading Vault v1.5.6-b49 [10:36:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b722 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Loading Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b725 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.5.6-b49 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] PermissionsEx found: Waiting [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system. [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] [Chat] PermissionsEx found: Waiting [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.5.6-b49 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: **** Beginning UUID conversion, this may take A LONG time **** [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world" [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world] -------- [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_nether] -------- [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [world_the_end] -------- [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [10:36:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -2315739566707206351) [10:36:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 80% [10:36:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -2315739566707206351) [10:36:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -2315739566707206351) [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Enabling PermissionsEx v1.23.4 [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Initializing file backend [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Permissions file successfully reloaded [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Permission] PermissionsEx hooked. [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Chat] PermissionsEx_Chat hooked. [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v6.1.3;7a097ca [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions. [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.Spigot_v1_10_R1 as the Bukkit adapter [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Ram_Monitor] Enabling Ram_Monitor v1 [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Ram Monitor] Listening on [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Enabling BuycraftX v10.1.3 [10:36:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Validating your server key... [10:36:35] [Thread-9/WARN]: [PermissionsEx] The updater could not find any files for the project id 31279 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all server packages... [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b722 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [VoidTest] -------- [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: 313257464860989511) [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: -------- World Settings For [jail] -------- [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Activation Range: An 32 / Mo 32 / Mi 16 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Entity Tracking Range: Pl 48 / An 48 / Mo 48 / Mi 32 / Other 64 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Hopper Transfer: 8 Hopper Check: 8 Hopper Amount: 1 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Random Lighting Updates: false [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Structure Info Saving: true [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cactus Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cane Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Melon Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Mushroom Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Pumpkin Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Sapling Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Wheat Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: NetherWart Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Vine Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Cocoa Growth Modifier: 100% [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Max Entity Collisions: 8 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Custom Map Seeds: Village: 10387312 Feature: 14357617 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Max TNT Explosions: 100 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Tile Max Tick Time: 50ms Entity max Tick Time: 50ms [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Mob Spawn Range: 4 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Despawn Rate: 6000 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Item Merge Radius: 2.5 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Arrow Despawn Rate: 1200 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Allow Zombie Pigmen to spawn from portal blocks: true [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: View Distance: 10 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Zombie Aggressive Towards Villager: true [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Experience Merge Radius: 3.0 [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Nerfing mobs spawned from spawners: false [10:36:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 4 (Seed: -5095183178097749649) [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Enabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b725 [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] - Version 2.5-b725 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [MVPLogging] 2 - Portals(s) loaded [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Found WorldEdit. Using it for selections. [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (4.342s)! For help, type "help" or "?" [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting GS4 status listener [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting remote control listener [10:36:37] [Query Listener #1/INFO]: Query running on [10:36:37] [Server thread/WARN]: No rcon password set in '/home/domipaco/40691/', rcon disabled! [10:36:37] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ... [10:36:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.�[m [10:36:37] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4/INFO]: [Vault] No new version available [10:36:38] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetching all due players... [10:36:39] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 1/INFO]: [BuycraftX] Fetched due players (0 found).


Try downloading the plugins again. Also, use a code block for the log (three `s both before and after the log).


@md678685 I just tried deleting all the EssentialsX files and re-downloading the jar from here. I still got the same issue as above.


Could you possibly paste the md5sums and size of the jars? Also, have you tried updating your server jar?


I just updated my server jar to this (the 1.10.2 version). Jar size was 20.1 MB. Sorry @md678685, but how do I find the md5sums?


md5sum <name> should work (unless you're on Windows, in which case I believe it's somewhere in the files' properties).