- 1
Creating a kit with custom item from another plugin breaks the kit
#5997 opened by TerdyTheTerd - 0
Baltop doesn't work as intended after updating from Craftbukkit 1.9 to PaperMC 1.21.1 or 1.21.4
#5996 opened by DJCrimsonSunbird - 5
1.8.8: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.reflect.Method.setAccessible(boolean)" because "buildCommandMethod" is null
#5994 opened by kangarko - 2
RandomTP Respawn does not respect Player Beds (Possibly anchors setting)
#5993 opened by DavidDoesCode - 1
Allow the use of non-standard Discord Text Channels
#5992 opened by Tails32 - 2
#5989 opened by bttqjs - 2
Unable to Load EssentialsSpawn Plugin
#5986 opened by HasibTheNeWb - 1
/baltop problem latest dev build
#5983 opened by danieliustt - 1
`tpahere` throws an index out of range exception.
#5982 opened by OoLunar - 2
Skull Meta is not applied for /give Command if the Skull-Owner is offline
#5980 opened by 0x484 - 1
Minimessages format broken
#5979 opened by pjindras - 1
1.21+ recipes support
#5978 opened by Dragsio - 1
Clickable commands
#5977 opened by LappenXD2 - 3
[BUG] Clear Inventory command has added space
#5973 opened by BurningCoolDude - 1
A way to disable essentials's logs to the console
#5971 opened by vaMe69 - 1
Issue with certain 1.21.3 ess commands in essentials
#5970 opened by PenguinTC - 2
Broken TPA Command 1.21.3
#5969 opened by 0x7d8 - 1
add /itemown
#5968 opened by perlsol - 20
-/tprandom is not working on latest dev version: 2.21.0-dev+128-0b49421
#5966 opened by ILikeOrangeJuice - 1
certain essentialsX commands in 1.21.3 break the game
#5965 opened by minisat0shi - 1
Weird error message
#5964 opened by TrixterPro - 1
The "essentials.home.bed" permission is ignored
#5963 opened by Iarkont - 4
[EssentialsDiscord] Error occurred while enabling EssentialsDiscord v2.21.0-dev+120-cd06e73
#5959 opened by woodfairy - 1
ChatEvent doesn't have a getHandlerList
#5955 opened by Lory9098 - 0
color code issue with non-existent warps signs
#5954 opened by melaniebeedot - 1
#5953 opened by Flecksing - 0
Add Wind Charge to /fireball
#5949 opened by Rommmmaha - 2
/give sand command fails
#5948 opened by GitNuck - 1
EssentialsXMPP spelled wrong
#5947 opened by coderlaari - 5
[bug] The tp command in the disabled-commands list does not behave as expected
#5946 opened by FurrO2 - 4
taken out of afk when hit with wind charge
#5945 opened by taylorhaight - 1
Bed home and multiverse world cause server crash
#5944 opened by mhtvsSFrpHdE - 0
`/recipe` command message formatting is broken in the console
#5943 opened by imDaniX - 0
Spy bug and error
#5942 opened by HauserGrim - 1
MiniMessage formatting isn't parsed correctly in command usage messages
#5941 opened by AfkF24 - 1
Custom command usage messages default to English versions
#5940 opened by AfkF24 - 0
Scary warning removal
#5937 opened by Olafcio1 - 0
Allow toggling SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS for some message types sent to Discord
#5935 opened by jtopian - 1
"Error: \<dark_red>A warp with a similar name already exists."
#5932 opened by melaniebeedot - 2
Fly is activated when logging in
#5931 opened by Pootouf - 6
Players unable to teleport
#5928 opened by Koora7334 - 0
Support Target Selectors in more Command
#5925 opened by Zoriot - 1
Discord Channel Recognition Failure on Server Startup
#5923 opened by D4vide106 - 1
EssentialsX Bug When player dies items are lost!
#5920 opened by Xiantrius - 2
1.20 and 1.21 items not recognized by essentialsx commands like /give
#5917 opened by samkee00 - 1
/Invsee bug
#5916 opened by MrFadeFancy - 0
command cooldown bug
#5915 opened by MrFadeFancy - 1
/vanish particles
#5914 opened by MrFadeFancy