ExplodeAny (Eany)

ExplodeAny (Eany)


[Throwable Creeper Eggs] Spawn egg duplication issue

GuilleX7 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


It seems ExplodeAny causes some sort of duplication issue when a creeper egg is thrown, see recording.

ExplodeAny configuration:

# Whether to use a database or not. While it's not necessary at all, a database will keep
# track of every block's durability, so durability is not reset after a server restart.
# Warning: the file that contains the database can become huge, so consider cleaning it up
# (this is, removing it) after X server restarts (let's be serious, nobody's gonna care if
# a block he/she damaged three days ago has now its durability fully restored).
UseBlockDatabase: false

# (Note: not used at all if useBlockDatabase is disabled)
# This will perform a database cleanup every time the plugin is reloaded.
# This can help reducing the database size, but may also load the chunks where the blocks were
# located.
CheckBlockDatabaseAtStartup: false

# Maximum and initial durability of every block handled by ExplodeAny.
# [Minimum] is 1.0.
# [Default] is 100.0.
BlockDurability: 100.0

# Metrics allow us to obtain information about the number of servers that use ExplodeAny,
# as well as some of their characteristics, including operating system and Java Version, etc.
# All this data is completely anonymous, and sending metrics does not affect performance. We
# use bstats (https://bstats.org/) to gather all this data.
EnableMetrics: false

# Named groups of materials and/or entitys. You can create groups with a mix of materials
# and entities. When you use the group in a certain section, the plugin will choose only
# the values that make sense for that section. If no value in the group makes sense for the
# section, then it will be considered an invalid group. You can use the name you like for the
# groups, but if group's name coincides with a valid material or entity's name, then the valid
# material or entity will be selected as the target, and not the group.
# When a single entity/material appears more than once in the same section, the following rules
# will be used to merge them, depending on the section:
# 1. If an entity appears in two or more groups, then the material configurations
#    will try to merge without overwriting each other. If a material configuration
#    for an entity appears in both groups, then the material configuration of the
#    group that appears first in the configuration is applied.
# 2. If an entity appears in two or more groups but also as an individual item,
#    then rule 1 applies, and after that, the individual configuration will be merged,
#    overwriting the previous rules if necessary (has greater priority than groups).
# 1. If a material configuration appears in two or more groups, then only the material
#    configuration of the group that appears first in the configuration will be applied.
# 2. If a material configuration appears in two or more groups but also as an individual
#    item, then the individual configuration will be applied.
        - OBSIDIAN
        - ANVIL
        - ENDER_CHEST
        - PRIMED_TNT
        - CREEPER

# This sections allows to customize the behaviour of Vanilla entities explosions
# Allowed entity values are:
# Note that every property that appears here can be used in any other entity section, like
# CannonProjectile, MagicEntity or CustomEntity.
    # Groups can also be used here (like this one).
        # This section allows to configure some properties of the exploding entity itself.
        # It is not mandatory.
            # Setting this to anything different than 0.0 will override the original explosion radius.
            # [Minimum] [default] is 0.0, which means keeping the original explosion radius.
            ExplosionRadius: 0.0
            # Multiplicative factor applied to the explosion radius.
            # [Minimum] is 0.0, which means nullifying the explosion.
            # [Default] is 1.0, which means keeping the original explosion radius.
            # A value greater than 1.0 means magnifying the explosion radius.
            ExplosionFactor: 1.0
            # If the original explosion is not replaced, the above properties (ExplosionRadius, ExplosionFactor)
            # will only affect the radius that ExplodeAny will use to calculate the damage to blocks. The original
            # explosion will keep its original radius.
            # If replaced, the new explosion will have the specified explosion radius, but some properties
            # of the original explosion might get lost. For example, if the original explosion was to set
            # blocks on fire, the replacement will not keep this behaviour. Cannons projectiles will also
            # lose their special properties, such as clustering, etc.
            # [Default] is false.
            ReplaceOriginalExplosion: false
            # Multiplicative factor applied to the explosion radius when it takes place underwater.
            # [Minimum] is 0.0, which means it will disabled
            # [Default] is 0.5, which reduces the explosion radius to half its original value.
            # A value of 1.0 means that water doesn't affect explosion radius
            # A value greater than 1.0 means underwater explosion radius is magnified.
            UnderwaterExplosionFactor: 2.0
            # If the explosion takes place underwater, set this true to create a custom explosion that can
            # break unmanaged Vanilla blocks underwater (like sand, stone or dirt). Blocks managed by ExplodeAny
            # will keep their behaviour!
            # [Default] is false.
            ExplosionDamageBlocksUnderwater: true
            # If ExplosionDamageBlocksUnderwater is set true, then this property determines whether
            # the original explosion is replaced with the one that ExplodeAny will spawn to break blocks
            # underwater.
            # If replaced, some properties of the original explosion might get lost. For example, if the
            # original explosion was to set blocks on fire, the replacement will not keep this behaviour.
            # Cannons projectiles will also lose their special properties, such as clustering, etc.
            # Not replacing it means that the ExplodeAny explosion will spawn together with the original one,
            # which is not bad at all but might be undesired for some people (double entity damage? laggier?).
            # I suggest to play with this parameter and decide!
            # [Default] is true.
            ReplaceOriginalExplosionWhenUnderwater: true
            # The explosion will remove the waterlogged state from nearby blocks before the explosion,
            # thus causing damage to blocks that would normally not break, like waterlogged stairs, etc.
            # [Default] is false.
            ExplosionRemoveWaterloggedStateFromNearbyBlocks: true
            # Specifies when ExplosionRemoveWaterloggedStateFromNearbyBlocks is applied. Surface and
            # underwater refer to the explosion's location.
            ExplosionRemoveWaterloggedStateFromNearbyBlocksOnSurface: true
            ExplosionRemoveWaterloggedStateFromNearbyBlocksUnderwater: true
            # The explosion will remove nearby waterlogged blocks before the explosion. If this and
            # ExplosionRemoveWaterloggedStateFromNearbyBlocks are both set to true, then this takes
            # precedence.
            ExplosionRemoveNearbyWaterloggedBlocks: false
            # Specifies when ExplosionRemoveNearbyWaterloggedBlocks is applied. Surface and underwater
            # refer to the explosion's location.
            ExplosionRemoveNearbyWaterloggedBlocksOnSurface: true
            ExplosionRemoveNearbyWaterloggedBlocksUnderwater: true
            # The explosion will remove nearby liquids before the explosion, thus allowing to break
            # through liquids.
            # [Default] is false.
            ExplosionRemoveNearbyLiquids: true
            # Specifies when ExplosionRemoveNearbyLiquids is applied. Surface and underwater refer to
            # the explosion's location.
            ExplosionRemoveNearbyLiquidsOnSurface: true
            ExplosionRemoveNearbyLiquidsUnderwater: true
            # The explosion will pack the dropped items into a single entity, which will be spawned
            # at the explosion's location. This can help reducing lag on client side when the explosion
            # causes a lot of items to be spawned (in general, when explosion radius > 10 and many items
            # are dropped). If set to false, then items will drop naturally (like in Vanilla).
            # [Default] is false.
            PackDroppedItems: false
            # This section allows to specify the particles that will spawn when the entity explodes.
                # Name of the particles to be spawned. Valid values are listed in
                # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html
                Name: NONE
                # Size of the cube that will contain the particles
                DeltaX: 2.0
                DeltaY: 2.0
                DeltaZ: 2.0
                # Amount of particles to be spawned. Be careful, larger values could cause FPS drops.
                Amount: 2000
                # Speed of the particles to be spawned. Must be a positive value or zero.
                Speed: 1.0
                # Allows the particles to be seen up to 256 blocks away.
                Force: true
                # Color of the particles. Only applicable when particle's name is REDSTONE
                Red: 255
                Blue: 0
                Green: 255
                # Size of the particles. Must be a positive value. Only applicable when particle's name is REDSTONE
                Size: 2.0
            # This section allows to specify the sound to be played when the entity explodes.
                # Name of the sound to be played. Valid values are listed in
                # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
                Name: ENTITY_OCELOT_HURT
                # Volume of the sound to be played. Must be a positive value. Values greater than
                # 1.0 will not increase the loudness of the sound, but will allow the sound to be heared
                # in a greater radius.
                Volume: 1.0
                # Pitch of the sound. Must be between 0.5 and 2.0, and allows to specify the speed
                # the sound is played at.
                Pitch: 1.0
        # This section contains the materials that will be managed by the plugin.
        # It is not mandatory: if this section doesn't exist, the plugin will understand that
        # every section in the entity is a material. That can be used as a shortcut when
        # you don't want to add entity properties, but only to list the affected materials.
        # The damage to all those materials is "simulated" by the plugin and managed
        # by these settings.
            # Valid values are all materials listed in
            # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html.
            # WATER and LAVA are not allowed.
            # Groups can also be used here.
                # Base damage used to compute the effective damage taken by a block.
                # [Minimum] is 0.0, which means the block isn't affected by the explosion.
                # [Default] is the same value as BlockDurability.
                # Values greater than BlockDurability are allowed.
                # NOTE: Effective damage is calculated according to the following formula:
                # effectiveDamage = baseDamage * underwaterDamageFactor * (1 - distanceFactor * distanceAttenuationFactor)
                # where distanceFactor = distance / explosionRadius
                Damage: 150.0
                # Indicates the chance of naturally breaking the block (and thus having drops).
                # [Minimum] [default] is 0.0, which means blocks will never break naturally.
                # [Maximum] is 100.0, which means blocks will always break naturally.
                DropChance: 0.0
                # Indicates how effective damage decreases with distance.
                # [Minimum] [default] is 0.0, which means that all blocks in range will
                # take the same amount of damage.
                # [Maximum] is 1.0, which means that effective damage decreases linearly as
                # distance increases.
                DistanceAttenuationFactor: 0.0
                # Damage multiplicative factor applied when explosion takes place underwater.
                # [Minimum] is 0.0, which means no damage will be taken underwater.
                # [Default] is 0.5, which halves the damage taken in underwater explosions.
                # A value of 1.0 means that water doesn't affect damage.
                # A value greater than 1.0 means damage underwater is magnified.
                UnderwaterDamageFactor: 0.5
                # Specifies when UnderwaterDamageFactor is applied.
                # False [default]: Look for water in the explosion center. (faster)
                # True: Trace a ray from the explosion center to each block and look for water. (fast)
                FancyUnderwaterDetection: false
                # Note how Particles and Sound sections can also be placed here, in the material section.
                    Name: BLOCK_CRACK
                    DeltaX: 5.0
                    DeltaY: 5.0
                    DeltaZ: 5.0
                    Amount: 2000
                    Speed: 1.0
                    Force: true
                    # Some particles require a Material to be specified.
                    Material: OBSIDIAN
                    Name: BLOCK_SAND_BREAK
                    Volume: 1.0
                    Pitch: 1.0
            # Not affected by the explosion of any "dangerousEntity"! Will never break...
                #Damage: 0.0

# This section allows to customize the behaviour of Cannons explosions.
# The support for Cannons will be enabled automatically when it is detected.
    # Cannon projectile IDs
            ExplosionDamageBlocksUnderwater: true
            # Overriding the original projectile explosion also means that all side effects
            # managed by Cannons (like spawning fireworks, cluster bombs, etc.) will be disabled.
            # This is a limitation of the Cannons API, and can't be fixed by ExplodeAny.
            ReplaceOriginalExplosionWhenUnderwater: true
            UnderwaterExplosionFactor: 0.5
            # Contrary to what happens in the VanillaEntity section, it's not possible to override
            # the behaviour of blocks that would break in regular conditions when a Cannon projectile
            # explodes. That means that putting breakable materials here (like DIRT) won't have the desired
            # effect.
                Damage: 50.0
                DropChance: 0.0
                DistanceAttenuationFactor: 0.0
                UnderwaterDamageFactor: 1.0
                FancyUnderwaterDetection: false

# This section allows to customize the behaviour Magic entities explosions.
# The support for Magic will be enabled automatically when it is detected.
# This section behaves exactly as the VanillaEntity section, but will affect only
# to entities spawned by Magic and not to vanilla entities. Allowed entity values are:
            Damage: 25.0

# This section allows to customize the behaviour of custom Vanilla entities explosions, which
# are entities introduced by mods in Forge servers.
# Any entity name can be used here, since there's no way to check if the entity exists.
    # From https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfishs-gun-mod, for example.
            # We need to specify the ExplosionRadius manually, otherwise a warning will be thrown and
            # the entity won't be taken into account, since there's no way for ExplodeAny to know it.
            ExplosionRadius: 4.0
                Damage: 50.0

# All colors and modifiers are available for locale messages.
# Some messages allow to use placeholders, which are replaced by the plugin with the corresponding
# value. Placeholders are represented by %PLACEHOLDER_NAME%.
# The following placeholders are available:
    # - NotAllowed:
    #   (None)
    NotAllowed: "You are not allowed to perform this action!"
    # - Usage:
    #   %DESCRIPTION% represents the command's description
    Usage: "Usage: %DESCRIPTION%"
    # - OnlyPlayerAllowed:
    #   (None)
    OnlyPlayerAllowed: "Only players can perform this action!"
    # - PlayerDoesntExist:
    #   %NAME% represents the player's name
    PlayerDoesntExist: "Player %NAME% doesn't exist in the server!"
    # - PlayerIsOffline:
    #   %NAME% represents the player's name
    PlayerIsOffline: "Player %NAME% must be online to perform that"
    # - EnterChecktoolMode:
    #   %ITEM% represents the checktool item's name
    #   %PRETTY_ITEM% represents the checktool item's name in a more readable way
    EnterChecktoolMode: "You can now right-click a block with %PRETTY_ITEM% to display block durability"
    # - LeaveChecktoolMode:
    #   %ITEM% represents the checktool item's name
    #   %PRETTY_ITEM% represents the checktool item's name in a more readable way
    LeaveChecktoolMode: "You can no longer check for a block durability"
    # - ChecktoolToggledOn:
    #   %NAME% represents the player's name
    ChecktoolToggledOn: Checktool mode toggled on for player %NAME%
    # - ChecktoolToggledOff:
    #   %NAME% represents the player's name
    ChecktoolToggledOff: Checktool mode toggled off for player %NAME%
    # - ChecktoolUse:
    #   %MATERIAL% represents the clicked block's type,
    #   %PRETTY_MATERIAL% represents the clicked block's type in a more readable way,
    #   %B_X% the X coordinate of the targeted block
    #   %B_Y% the Y coordinate of the targeted block
    #   %B_Z% the Z coordinate of the targeted block
    #   %DURABILITY% the clicked block's durability and
    #   %MAX_DURABILITY% the maximum durability a block can have (same as BlockDurability),
    #   %DURABILITY_PERCENTAGE% the clicked block's durability as a percentage (excluding the % symbol)
    ChecktoolUse: "Block health: %DURABILITY_PERCENTAGE%% (%PRETTY_MATERIAL%)"
    # - ChecktoolSet:
    #   %ITEM% represents the checktool item's name
    #   %PRETTY_ITEM% represents the checktool item's name in a more readable way
    ChecktoolSet: "Checktool successfully set to %PRETTY_ITEM%!"
    # - ChecktoolNotPersisted:
    #   %ITEM% represents the checktool item's name
    #   %PRETTY_ITEM% represents the checktool item's name in a more readable way
    ChecktoolNotPersisted: "Checktool item was set to %PRETTY_ITEM%, but it couldn't be persisted"
    # - ChecktoolGiven:
    #   %NAME% represents the player's name
    #   %ITEM% represents the checktool item's name
    #   %PRETTY_ITEM% represents the checktool item's name in a more readable way
    ChecktoolGiven: "A checktool (%PRETTY_ITEM%) was given to player %NAME%"
    # - ChecktoolReset:
    #   (None)
    ChecktoolReset: "Checktool successfully reset to bare hand (Air)"
    # - ChecktoolNotHandled:
    #   %MATERIAL% represents the clicked block's type,
    #   %PRETTY_MATERIAL% represents the clicked block's type in a more readable way
    ChecktoolNotHandled: "%PRETTY_MATERIAL% is not handled by the current configuration"
    # - ChecktoolInfo:
    #   %ITEM% represents the checktool item's name
    #   %PRETTY_ITEM% represents the checktool item's name in a more readable way
    ChecktoolInfo: "Current checktool item: %PRETTY_ITEM%"
    # - DisabledInThisWorld:
    #   (None)
    DisabledInThisWorld: "This functionality is disabled in this world"
    # - Reloaded:
    #   (None)
    Reloaded: "Reloaded successfully!"
    # - DebugEnabled:
    #   (None)
    DebugEnabled: "Debug mode has been enabled"
    # - DebugDisabled:
    #   (None)
    DebugDisabled: "Debug mode has been disabled"

# Prefix for all locale messages
LocalePrefix: "[ExplodeAny] "

# Use this section to disable the plugin in certain worlds
# Notice that world names are case sensitive
# - My_example_world_with_no_ExplodeAny

Throwable Creeper Eggs configuration:

   glowing: false
   material: CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG # Change for different versions of Minecraft
   display-name: "&eThrowable Creeper Egg"
   - "&8Sssssssssssss"
   - "&fLeft Click &7in the air"
   explosion-radius: 10
   glowing: true
   material: CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG # Change for different versions of Minecraft
   display-name: "&bCharged &eThrowable Creeper Egg"
   - "&8Sssssssssssss"
   - "&fLeft Click &7in the air to throw"
   - "&FDouble Explosion Size"

   throw-requires-permission: false
   allow-placement-of-egg: false
   time-to-explode: 1
   explosion-radius: 5
   explosion-entity-damage-percentage: 100.0 # The percentage of damage that an entity will take from an explosion.
   use-any-creeper-egg: true # Only applies if the material is a creeper spawn egg
   use-creeper-fuse-animation: false # Only 1.15+ and looks weird if "time-to-explode" is more than 2
   throwing-velocity-multiplier: 1.0
   explode-in-mid-air: true # The value is ignored if "use-creeper-fuse-animation" is true
   explosion-destroys-blocks: true # The value is ignored by "include-spawners-in-explosion"
   explosion-damages-entities: true
   include-spawners-in-explosion: true # The value of "explosion-radius" needs to be 2 or higher for spawners to be included
   use-throwing-cooldown: true # The value specifies if there is a cooldown between throwing creeper eggs.
   throwing-cooldown-in-seconds: 1.0 # The cooldown in seconds for the normal throwable creeper eggs.
   throwing-charged-cooldown-enabled: false # The value specifies if charged throwable creeper eggs have a separate cooldown or not.
   throwing-charged-cooldown-in-seconds: 1.0 # The cooldown in seconds for the charged throwable creeper eggs.
   hide-creeper-when-exploding: false # Works best when not thrown into unloaded chunks
# There are four types of cobweb interactions: VANILLA, BOUNCE, DESTROY, EXCLUDE
# The "VANILLA" type will not change the behaviour of thrown eggs touching cobwebs.
# The "BOUNCE" type will make it so that thrown eggs bounce off of cobwebs when touched from the side or the bottom.
# The "DESTROY" type will make it so that thrown eggs are destroyed upon touching a cobweb.
# The "EXCLUDE" type will make it so that the thrown egg explosion does not destroy any cobwebs.
cobweb-interaction-type: VANILLA

# There are two types of filter-types: INCLUDE, EXCLUDE
# The "EXCLUDE" type will exclude any blocks from exploding that are in the "filtered-blocks" list.
# The "INCLUDE" type will include blocks in the explosion that are in the "filtered-blocks" list, but any
# other block is excluded if not in the "filtered-blocks" list.
   enabled: false
   filter-type: EXCLUDE

   no-permission-cmd: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou're missing the permission to use this command!"
   no-permission-throw: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou're missing the permission to throw creeper eggs!"
   no-permission-place: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou're missing the permission to place creeper eggs!"
   egg-given: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYou gave &7</amount>x &eThrowable Creeper Egg(s) &fto &e</player>&f!"
   invalid-player: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fThe player you're trying to give an egg to is not online!"
   invalid-cmd-usage: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fInvalid usage. Use &e/tce give <player> <type> <amount>&f!"
   invalid-argument: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fInvalid argument. Use &e/tce give &for &e/tce reload&f!"
   reloaded-config: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fSuccessfully reloaded the &econfig&f!"
   throwing-while-cooldown: "&7[&aTCE&7] &fYour eggs are on cooldown. You cannot throw eggs for another &e</remaining> &fsecond(s)."

      enabled: false
      log-format: "#thrown_creeper_egg_by_</player>"

# You can change the default mobs and percentages or add more mobs with the same format under the "percent-chances" section.
# The percentages are out of 100. If the randomly generated number is the percentage chance or under, it will qualify as a drop.

# If "affected-by-looting" is true, then the drop chance will be increased by a certain amount when using a looting sword.
# The chance formula is: ( looting level / ( looting level + 1.5 ) ) * looting multiplier
# When using the default looting multiplier of 15, the maximum chance increase is 10%.

# ! Only one egg will be dropped - even if using a looting sword !
# | Only drops if the killer is a player |
   enabled: false
   affected-by-looting: false
   looting-multiplier: 15
      creeper: 3
      pillager: 1.5

# If enabled, a thrown creeper egg has a chance out of 100 of becoming a charged creeper when exploding.
# If the creeper is charged, then the explosion radius defined in the "options" section will be
# multiplied by the "explosion-radius-multiplier".
   enabled: false
   charged-chance: 10
   explosion-radius-multiplier: 2

It seems this is not exactly a bug: when the creeper egg is thrown underwater and both "ExplosionDamageBlocksUnderwater" and "ReplaceOriginalExplosionWhenUnderwater" are set to true for creepers in ExplodeAny, the original explosion event is cancelled and a custom one is created (see https://github.com/GuilleX7/ExplodeAny/blob/main/explodeany/src/main/java/io/github/guillex7/explodeany/explosion/ExplosionManager.java#L181).

This behavior can also be reproduced by just setting "ReplaceOriginalExplosion" to true and throwing eggs anywhere: since ExplodeAny cancels the original event, the same behaviour occurs (see https://github.com/GuilleX7/ExplodeAny/blob/main/explodeany/src/main/java/io/github/guillex7/explodeany/explosion/ExplosionManager.java#L186)

As a workaround, I suggest to disable both "ReplaceOriginalExplosion" and "ReplaceOriginalExplosionWhenUnderwater" until compatibility with the plugin is added (via new entity section). Suggest the owner of the plugin to add a configuration key to allow disabling this behavior of spawning eggs when creeper explosion is cancelled by other plugins.