ExplodeAny (Eany)

ExplodeAny (Eany)


[Bug] Player revives after being killed underwater with a creeper egg and ReviveMe enabled

GuilleX7 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug
Player revives after being killed underwater with a creeper egg and ReviveMe enabled

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install ExplodeAny, ThrowableCreeperEggs and ReviveMe plugins
  2. Configure creepers or throwable creeper eggs to do damage underwater
  3. Throw a creeper egg to kill the player while underwater

Expected behavior
The player dies

Screenshots / screen recording
The player dies and revives

Minecraft server details:

  • Server name and version: Paper 1.2x.y (doesn't seem really server-dependent behavior)

Additional context
Seems to be some weird interaction between the three plugins. Removing any of them solves the issue.