Authme compatibility
MithrandirCraft opened this issue ยท 34 comments
Hi! Could you please take a look at this?:
Current authme version: 5.2-SNAPSHOT-b660
Faction chat version: 1.9.12-SNAPSHOT
Current Minecraft-Spigot version: 1.8.8
Thanks MithrandirCraft.
Personally I've tried in the past to removed staff chat as it has nothing to do with Factions but I had too many PMs when I removed it.
i'll see if I can quickly fix it now.
ok Seems my previous changes would have fixed that error too (
Going to recompile the plugin using
it's a maven repo, you can add it to the pom file without putting the jar into the libs folder ;)
I see
fr.xephi.authme.api.API.isAuthenticated(player) is now @deprecated
What would you suggest I use?
Wait a sec, this isn't fixed. I can still read the moderator chat when logged out.
Yeah but if I remember well you check if the allowchat option is true or false, can you try to remove this check?
Well I have:
if ((myplayer.hasPermission("FactionChat.ModChat") || FactionChat.isDebugger(myplayer.getName())) && AuthMeAPI.isLoggedIn(player))
with fr.xephi.authme.api.NewAPI.getInstance().isAuthenticated(player); to check if logged in
The AuthMe stuff is only enabled if this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("AuthMe") != null
Could you check this?
ok I think I fixed it.....
Registred yet logout?
Well that's just what I tried, and I could see myself spamming moderator chat with another account while logged out with an OP account. (Maybe I could see it because I'm OP?)
In any case, I'm trying your last build, will report asap.
make sure it is registered too (altho the new changes should prevent that too)
Ok I tested it myself with only AuthMe, Factions (and massiveCore) and FactionChat.
Unregistered could see ModChat
Registered yet logout could not see ModChat.
Going to fix this now
ok with my test it is blocking correctly. I'll make another build that prints in the console some information. Could you paste it here (when it is being bypassed)?
Hey James, Xephii passed me a build with a pull request he did on FactionChat.
It works fine with it :) So as long as you apply it, the issue should be fixed.
ok pulled Thanks @Xephi
Closed and fixed.
Thanks @MithrandirCraft , @sgdc3, and @Xephi
and everyone from