FactionsChat not working on Factions v1.6.9.5 or Spigot #1649
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Currently developing a Factions server. I would like to implement FactionsChat into my server but I am failing on finding a compatible version that will work with Factions v1.6.9.5 & Spigot version #1649.
Mind helping me out?
are people still using factions 1.6? doesn't 1.6 already have some chat feature.
I removed support for 1.6. I don't mind re-adding it if you want?
Until then I suggest using any FactionChat 1.9.12 and below
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factionchat/files/112-faction-chat-1-9-10/ should be pretty stable
any update @TheMasteredPanda .