Claim visualization lag with excessive use of right clicking with a stick
snurre0 opened this issue · 9 comments
Observed Behavior
Two different scenarios triggers this issue:
- When having an area with a lot of separate claims and you spam shift+rightclick the ground with a stick or holding down shift+rightclick (assuming you have the right permission to do so)
- When having a claim with a lot of subclaims, and you spam rightclick the ground with a stick or holding down rightclick. (Requires no extra permissions other than creating claims).
With "a lot" of claims/subclaims I mean at least 200+ for the "full effect",
In both of these scenarios the server MSPT starts raising and the TPS drops after a little while.
I run a public smp with a shopping area that exists of one big top level claim, with more than 300 sub claims. Any player can hold down right click with a stick in that area and start lagging the server.
Here is a quick video showing this in action, in a test claim I made with maybe around 150 subclaims. It's not as bad as with 300+ of course, but with the added TabTPS plugin it's clearly visible in the bossbar what is happening to the MSPT while clicking or holding down right click with a stick.
Expected Behavior
Not sure what I'd expect, other than not making the server lag.
Suggested solutions other than re-writing some code to remove the lag(I have no idea what's possible) could be to maybe add some kind of cooldown to claim visualizations.
Or adding a separate permission required to visualize subclaim burders, that would at least limit the amount of players that can do this.
Reproduction steps
- Create a claim
- Create 200+ subclaims inside that claim
- Grab a stick and hold down right click inside the claim
- Watch the MSPT increase by a lot
Stack trace or error log
No response
Server version
03.01 14:56:56 [Server] INFO This server is running Paper version git-Paper-366 (MC: 1.19.3) (Implementing API version 1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 8d7d927)
GriefPrevention version
03.01 14:58:28 [Server] INFO GriefPrevention version da68020
# Default values are perfect for most servers. If you want to customize and have a question, look for the answer here first:
Simplex: -1
Simplex_nether: -1
Simplex_the_end: -1
Simplex: Survival
Simplex_the_end: Survival
Simplex_nether: Survival
PreventGlobalMonsterEggs: true
PreventTheft: true
ProtectCreatures: true
PreventButtonsSwitches: true
LockWoodenDoors: true
LockTrapDoors: true
LockFenceGates: true
EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true
RaidTriggersRequireBuildTrust: true
ProtectHorses: true
ProtectDonkeys: true
ProtectLlamas: true
InitialBlocks: 225
Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour:
Default: 150
Max Accrued Claim Blocks:
Default: 300000
Accrued Idle Threshold: 0
AccruedIdlePercent: 0
AbandonReturnRatio: 1.0
AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4
AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadiusMinimum: 0
ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 20
MinimumWidth: 1
MinimumArea: 10
MaximumDepth: -64
InvestigationTool: STICK
ModificationTool: GOLDEN_SHOVEL
ChestClaimDays: 9999999
UnusedClaimDays: 9999999
DaysInactive: 9999999
ExceptWhenOwnerHasTotalClaimBlocks: 10000
ExceptWhenOwnerHasBonusClaimBlocks: 5000
SurvivalWorlds: false
AllowTrappedInAdminClaims: false
MaximumNumberOfClaimsPerPlayer: 0
CreationRequiresWorldGuardBuildPermission: true
VillagerTradingRequiresPermission: true
CommandsRequiringAccessTrust: /sethome;/esethome;/createhome;/ecreatehome
DeliverManuals: true
ManualDeliveryDelaySeconds: 30
RavagersBreakBlocks: true
FireSpreadsInClaims: false
FireDamagesInClaims: false
LecternReadingRequiresAccessTrust: true
Enabled: true
LoginCooldownSeconds: 60
LoginLogoutNotificationsPerMinute: 5
ChatSlashCommands: /me;/global;/local;/minecraft:me;/tpa;/suicide
WhisperSlashCommands: ''
WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be muted.
BanOffenders: false
BanMessage: Banned for spam.
DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 60
Logout Message Delay In Seconds: 0
Simplex: true
Simplex_nether: true
Simplex_the_end: true
ProtectFreshSpawns: true
PunishLogout: false
CombatTimeoutSeconds: 15
AllowCombatItemDrop: true
BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa
PlayerOwnedClaims: false
AdministrativeClaims: false
AdministrativeSubdivisions: false
PvPWorlds: false
NonPvPWorlds: false
PvPWorlds: false
NonPvPWorlds: false
ProtectPetsOutsideLandClaims: true
ClaimBlocksMaxBonus: 0
ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0
ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0
PvPWorlds: true
NonPvPWorlds: true
BlockLandClaimExplosions: true
BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: false
BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: false
LimitSkyTrees: false
LimitTreeGrowth: false
PistonMovement: EVERYWHERE
PistonExplosionSound: true
FireSpreads: true
FireDestroys: true
AdminsGetWhispers: false
AdminsGetSignNotifications: true
VisualizationAntiCheatCompatMode: false
SmartBan: true
Mute New Players Using Banned Words: true
MaxPlayersPerIpAddress: 5
SilenceBans: true
Worlds: []
- LONG_GRASS <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- THIN_GLASS <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- WOOD <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- WOOL <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
DoorsOpenDelayInSeconds: 300
CooldownEndInMinutes: 60
EndermenMoveBlocks: true
SilverfishBreakBlocks: true
CreaturesTrampleCrops: true
RabbitsEatCrops: true
HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: true
URL: ''
UserName: ''
Password: ''
UseBanCommand: false
BanCommandPattern: ban %name% %reason%
fixNegativeClaimblockAmounts: true
ClaimExpirationCheckRate: 60
OfflinePlayer_cache_days: 90
Abridged Logs:
Days To Keep: 7
Included Entry Types:
Social Activity: true
Suspicious Activity: false
Administrative Activity: true
Debug: false
Muted Chat Messages: true
ConfigVersion: 1
Plugin list
03.01 15:00:39 [Server] INFO Plugins (26): AntiXRay, AutoMessage*, Chunky, CommandHook, EntityWatch*, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, F3NPerm, GriefPrevention, HolographicDisplays, InteractiveBooks, InventoryRollback-Continued, LogBlock, LuckPerms, Matrix, NBTAPI, OpenInv, PlugMan, ProtocolLib, Reports*, Simplex, TabTPS, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
Running without GriefPrevention
- I attempted running the server without GriefPrevention installed.
- The problem does not occur when GriefPrevention is removed from the server.
Running with only GriefPrevention
- I attempted running only GriefPrevention on the server.
- The issue still occurs when GriefPrevention is the only plugin running.
Running on a fresh, clean server installation
- I attempted testing for the issue on a new server.
- The issue still occurs on a new server.
Using unmodified client
- I attempted testing for the issue with the vanilla client.
- The issue still occurs when using the vanilla client.
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out a bug report!
- I searched for similar issues before submitting this bug report.
Maybe snurre0 can try each of these pull requests separately and see if they solve his problem.
For my PR, he would have to set VisualizeAllSubdivisions
to false.
Easiest solution is to modify BoundaryVisualization#callAndVisualize
to ignore duplicate visualizations (possibly post-event call so addons modifying the boundary collection don't cause duplicate re-renders?). The stick should also have a cooldown, though it should be relatively short (1s?) to prevent too much nuisance when misclicking the wrong claim. Shift-click should have a longer cooldown to prevent abuse.
Would also be interested in seeing how this compares to GPBHB's drawing strategy which doesn't do world-based calculation, though that would be a bandaid at best.
I can probably write a patch to not re-render duplicates on GitHub, but as my PC is currently experiencing a joyous time, I don't feel like writing a cooldown system for the stick.
I finally got around to test these, thanks for looking into this!
#1987 doesn't really feel any different (running version c6fb38b, just to verify what version I'm testing).
Maybe the visualizations is slightly slower than before, but it's hard to tell. Either way, I can hold down right click just fine and still lag the server.
#1991 works as expected (version e8a1216), with VisualizeAllSubdivisions
set to false I can only visualize one subclaim at a time with a regular player without any of the specified permissions.
#1991 works as a solution/workaround for our situation I guess, as staff members with one of the mentioned permissions should know better :)
I'm interested to know what #1987 is supposed to do though, sounds like it was not supposed to re-render boundaries that is already rendered?
I'm interested to know what #1987 is supposed to do though, sounds like it was not supposed to re-render boundaries that is already rendered?
Yes. The boundary should not be re-drawn if it matches the one already displayed - GP's default draw system iterates over a ton of blocks to find exposed ground blocks. The equality check must be failing, not sure why without a deeper dive into the code though. That's also why I suggested seeing how GPBHB performs; it doesn't bother doing world checks when using FLAT
visualization style.
#1991 is a good start to mitigating some of the issue and should be compatible with changes required by mine, but it doesn't stop careless admins or knowledgeable malicious users. Mine will (when working) stop careless admins, but the only way to truly prevent a malicious user taking advantage of high-claim renders is to add a cooldown to the stick.
For clarity, because based on the now-deleted comment I received an email about this morning I probably offended @Bobcat00 with poor wording in my previous post, the primary issue I see with #1991 is that claim owners still see subclaims rendered. That's necessary, claim owners need to see their subclaims to be able to manage them. Unfortunately, that also means that a sufficiently determined malicious user could make their own claim that would cause these issues. GP should not be delivering tools to players that can be used to grief the entire server, no matter how niche.
I still think that PR is good and should be pulled. I just think that it (and my own small work, if it actually worked) are not a sufficient solution to consider this fully addressed.
No, no offense taken. I hadn't considered that a malicious person could be the one creating all the subclaims! I realized that after I posted my comment, so I decided to withdraw it.
I think this nails it:
but the only way to truly prevent a malicious user taking advantage of high-claim renders is to add a cooldown to the stick.
Anything we can do to make the visualisation more efficient is good, but avoiding it being triggered too often has to be the proper fix.
Yeah I had a similar "bruh" moment adding my own glowing-falling-block visualizer.
The elements are redrawn each time a boundary is added to the visualization by the "draw" method in BlockBoundaryVisualization.class
See the below PR for a solution.
I've fixed #1987, so that should be another huge improvement here. Kinda reluctant to work on a cooldown system myself because there are other areas I'd like to be able to apply cooldowns (the various "XYZ message is spammy" reports and whatnot) and I know I'd add feature creep and burn out before I started.