deleteclaimsinworld command doesn't delete subclaims
SiuanSong opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Observed Behavior
Running /deleteclaimsinworld [world] via console deletes all claims except sub-claims
Expected Behavior
Subclaims to be deleted with their parentclaims
Reproduction steps
- Run command via console
- Check ClaimData folder
Stack trace or error log
No response
Server version
Current Purpur Version: 1.21-2279-9e444c5 (MC: 1.21)
GriefPrevention version
GriefPrevention version 16.18.4
# Default values are perfect for most servers. If you want to customize and have a question, look for the answer here first:
world: -1
world_nether: -1
world_the_end: -1
divinefarm: -1
Events: -1
Spawn: -1
LoreSquad: -1
DDMap: -1
char_spawn: -1
The_Old_Spawn: -1
ChristmasTown: -1
Batman: -1
CampWorld: -1
build: -1
shops: -1
Halloween: -1
Events: Survival
ChristmasTown: Survival
Batman: Survival
Spawn: Survival
build: Survival
world: Survival
CampWorld: Survival
world_the_end: Survival
shops: Survival
world_nether: Survival
divinefarm: Survival
Halloween: Survival
The_Old_Spawn: Survival
DDMap: Survival
LoreSquad: Survival
char_spawn: Survival
PreventGlobalMonsterEggs: true
PreventTheft: true
ProtectCreatures: true
PreventButtonsSwitches: true
LockWoodenDoors: false
LockTrapDoors: true
LockFenceGates: true
EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true
RaidTriggersRequireBuildTrust: true
ProtectHorses: true
ProtectDonkeys: true
ProtectLlamas: true
InitialBlocks: 5000
Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour:
Default: 200
Max Accrued Claim Blocks:
Default: 200000
Accrued Idle Threshold: 0
AccruedIdlePercent: 0
AbandonReturnRatio: 1.0
AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4
AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadiusMinimum: 0
ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 300
MinimumWidth: 10
MinimumArea: 100
MaximumDepth: -64
InvestigationTool: STICK
ModificationTool: GOLDEN_SHOVEL
ChestClaimDays: 7
UnusedClaimDays: 60
DaysInactive: 120
ExceptWhenOwnerHasTotalClaimBlocks: 150000
ExceptWhenOwnerHasBonusClaimBlocks: 150000
SurvivalWorlds: false
AllowTrappedInAdminClaims: true
MaximumNumberOfClaimsPerPlayer: 40
CreationRequiresWorldGuardBuildPermission: true
VillagerTradingRequiresPermission: true
CommandsRequiringAccessTrust: /sethome;/esethome;/es;/esign;/sign
DeliverManuals: true
ManualDeliveryDelaySeconds: 30
RavagersBreakBlocks: true
FireSpreadsInClaims: false
FireDamagesInClaims: false
LecternReadingRequiresAccessTrust: true
Enabled: false
LoginCooldownSeconds: 60
LoginLogoutNotificationsPerMinute: 5
ChatSlashCommands: /me;/global;/local
WhisperSlashCommands: /tell;/pm;/r;/whisper;/msg
WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be banned.
BanOffenders: true
BanMessage: Banned for spam.
DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 120
Logout Message Delay In Seconds: 0
world: true
world_nether: true
world_the_end: true
divinefarm: true
Events: true
Spawn: true
LoreSquad: true
DDMap: true
char_spawn: true
The_Old_Spawn: true
ChristmasTown: true
Batman: true
CampWorld: true
build: true
shops: true
Halloween: true
ProtectFreshSpawns: true
PunishLogout: false
CombatTimeoutSeconds: 0
AllowCombatItemDrop: false
BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa
PlayerOwnedClaims: false
AdministrativeClaims: false
AdministrativeSubdivisions: false
PvPWorlds: true
NonPvPWorlds: false
PvPWorlds: true
NonPvPWorlds: false
ProtectPetsOutsideLandClaims: true
ClaimBlocksMaxBonus: 0
ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0
ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0
PvPWorlds: true
NonPvPWorlds: true
BlockLandClaimExplosions: true
BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: true
BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: false
LimitSkyTrees: true
LimitTreeGrowth: false
PistonMovement: EVERYWHERE
PistonExplosionSound: true
FireSpreads: false
FireDestroys: false
AdminsGetWhispers: false
AdminsGetSignNotifications: true
VisualizationAntiCheatCompatMode: false
SmartBan: true
Mute New Players Using Banned Words: true
MaxPlayersPerIpAddress: 3
SilenceBans: true
Worlds: []
- GRASS <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- LONG_GRASS <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- THIN_GLASS <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- WOOD <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
- WOOL <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
DoorsOpenDelayInSeconds: 300
CooldownEndInMinutes: 60
EndermenMoveBlocks: true
SilverfishBreakBlocks: true
CreaturesTrampleCrops: true
RabbitsEatCrops: true
HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: true
MobProjectilesChangeBlocks: false
URL: ''
UserName: ''
Password: ''
UseBanCommand: false
BanCommandPattern: ban %name% %reason%
fixNegativeClaimblockAmounts: true
ClaimExpirationCheckRate: 600
OfflinePlayer_cache_days: 180
Abridged Logs:
Days To Keep: 30
Included Entry Types:
Social Activity: true
Suspicious Activity: true
Administrative Activity: true
Debug: false
Muted Chat Messages: true
ConfigVersion: 1
Plugin list
No response
Running without GriefPrevention
- I attempted running the server without GriefPrevention installed.
- The problem does not occur when GriefPrevention is removed from the server.
Running with only GriefPrevention
- I attempted running only GriefPrevention on the server.
- The issue still occurs when GriefPrevention is the only plugin running.
Running on a fresh, clean server installation
- I attempted testing for the issue on a new server.
- The issue still occurs on a new server.
Using unmodified client
- I attempted testing for the issue with the vanilla client.
- The issue still occurs when using the vanilla client.
We appreciate you taking the time to fill out a bug report!
- I searched for similar issues before submitting this bug report.