Grief Prevention

Grief Prevention


deleteclaimsinworld command doesn't delete subclaims

SiuanSong opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Observed Behavior

Running /deleteclaimsinworld [world] via console deletes all claims except sub-claims

Expected Behavior

Subclaims to be deleted with their parentclaims

Reproduction steps

  1. Run command via console
  2. Check ClaimData folder

Stack trace or error log

No response

Server version

Current Purpur Version: 1.21-2279-9e444c5 (MC: 1.21)

GriefPrevention version

GriefPrevention version 16.18.4


# Default values are perfect for most servers.  If you want to customize and have a question, look for the answer here first:

    world: -1
    world_nether: -1
    world_the_end: -1
    divinefarm: -1
    Events: -1
    Spawn: -1
    LoreSquad: -1
    DDMap: -1
    char_spawn: -1
    The_Old_Spawn: -1
    ChristmasTown: -1
    Batman: -1
    CampWorld: -1
    build: -1
    shops: -1
    Halloween: -1
      Events: Survival
      ChristmasTown: Survival
      Batman: Survival
      Spawn: Survival
      build: Survival
      world: Survival
      CampWorld: Survival
      world_the_end: Survival
      shops: Survival
      world_nether: Survival
      divinefarm: Survival
      Halloween: Survival
      The_Old_Spawn: Survival
      DDMap: Survival
      LoreSquad: Survival
      char_spawn: Survival
    PreventGlobalMonsterEggs: true
    PreventTheft: true
    ProtectCreatures: true
    PreventButtonsSwitches: true
    LockWoodenDoors: false
    LockTrapDoors: true
    LockFenceGates: true
    EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true
    RaidTriggersRequireBuildTrust: true
    ProtectHorses: true
    ProtectDonkeys: true
    ProtectLlamas: true
    InitialBlocks: 5000
    Claim Blocks Accrued Per Hour:
      Default: 200
    Max Accrued Claim Blocks:
      Default: 200000
    Accrued Idle Threshold: 0
    AccruedIdlePercent: 0
    AbandonReturnRatio: 1.0
    AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4
    AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadiusMinimum: 0
    ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 300
    MinimumWidth: 10
    MinimumArea: 100
    MaximumDepth: -64
    InvestigationTool: STICK
    ModificationTool: GOLDEN_SHOVEL
      ChestClaimDays: 7
      UnusedClaimDays: 60
        DaysInactive: 120
        ExceptWhenOwnerHasTotalClaimBlocks: 150000
        ExceptWhenOwnerHasBonusClaimBlocks: 150000
        SurvivalWorlds: false
    AllowTrappedInAdminClaims: true
    MaximumNumberOfClaimsPerPlayer: 40
    CreationRequiresWorldGuardBuildPermission: true
    VillagerTradingRequiresPermission: true
    CommandsRequiringAccessTrust: /sethome;/esethome;/es;/esign;/sign
    DeliverManuals: true
    ManualDeliveryDelaySeconds: 30
    RavagersBreakBlocks: true
    FireSpreadsInClaims: false
    FireDamagesInClaims: false
    LecternReadingRequiresAccessTrust: true
    Enabled: false
    LoginCooldownSeconds: 60
    LoginLogoutNotificationsPerMinute: 5
    ChatSlashCommands: /me;/global;/local
    WhisperSlashCommands: /tell;/pm;/r;/whisper;/msg
    WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level.  Spammers will be banned.
    BanOffenders: true
    BanMessage: Banned for spam.
    DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 120
    Logout Message Delay In Seconds: 0
      world: true
      world_nether: true
      world_the_end: true
      divinefarm: true
      Events: true
      Spawn: true
      LoreSquad: true
      DDMap: true
      char_spawn: true
      The_Old_Spawn: true
      ChristmasTown: true
      Batman: true
      CampWorld: true
      build: true
      shops: true
      Halloween: true
    ProtectFreshSpawns: true
    PunishLogout: false
    CombatTimeoutSeconds: 0
    AllowCombatItemDrop: false
    BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa
      PlayerOwnedClaims: false
      AdministrativeClaims: false
      AdministrativeSubdivisions: false
      PvPWorlds: true
      NonPvPWorlds: false
      PvPWorlds: true
      NonPvPWorlds: false
    ProtectPetsOutsideLandClaims: true
    ClaimBlocksMaxBonus: 0
    ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0
    ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0
    PvPWorlds: true
    NonPvPWorlds: true
  BlockLandClaimExplosions: true
  BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: true
  BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: false
  LimitSkyTrees: true
  LimitTreeGrowth: false
  PistonMovement: EVERYWHERE
  PistonExplosionSound: true
  FireSpreads: false
  FireDestroys: false
  AdminsGetWhispers: false
  AdminsGetSignNotifications: true
  VisualizationAntiCheatCompatMode: false
  SmartBan: true
  Mute New Players Using Banned Words: true
  MaxPlayersPerIpAddress: 3
  SilenceBans: true
    Worlds: []
    - DIRT
    - GRASS     <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
    - LONG_GRASS     <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
    - GRAVEL
    - SAND
    - GLASS
    - THIN_GLASS     <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
    - WOOD     <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
    - WOOL     <-- can't understand this entry, see BukkitDev documentation
    - SNOW
    DoorsOpenDelayInSeconds: 300
    CooldownEndInMinutes: 60
  EndermenMoveBlocks: true
  SilverfishBreakBlocks: true
  CreaturesTrampleCrops: true
  RabbitsEatCrops: true
  HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: true
  MobProjectilesChangeBlocks: false
    URL: ''
    UserName: ''
    Password: ''
  UseBanCommand: false
  BanCommandPattern: ban %name% %reason%
    fixNegativeClaimblockAmounts: true
    ClaimExpirationCheckRate: 600
    OfflinePlayer_cache_days: 180
  Abridged Logs:
    Days To Keep: 30
    Included Entry Types:
      Social Activity: true
      Suspicious Activity: true
      Administrative Activity: true
      Debug: false
      Muted Chat Messages: true
  ConfigVersion: 1

Plugin list

No response

Running without GriefPrevention

  • I attempted running the server without GriefPrevention installed.
  • The problem does not occur when GriefPrevention is removed from the server.

Running with only GriefPrevention

  • I attempted running only GriefPrevention on the server.
  • The issue still occurs when GriefPrevention is the only plugin running.

Running on a fresh, clean server installation

  • I attempted testing for the issue on a new server.
  • The issue still occurs on a new server.

Using unmodified client

  • I attempted testing for the issue with the vanilla client.
  • The issue still occurs when using the vanilla client.

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out a bug report!

  • I searched for similar issues before submitting this bug report.