HarryPotterSpells Configuration Issues
Northwindyness opened this issue ยท 9 comments
CraftBukkit version: git-Bukkit-1.6.4-R2.0-b2918jnks
HarryPotterSpells version: A: HarryPotterSpells v0.6 for CB 1.6.2-R1.0 Sep 15, 2013
List of plugins: WorldBorder, EasyPermissionsEx, Storm, Timber, Broomsticks, mcore, BOSEconomy, ChestShop, ClearLag, ProtocolLib, PermissionsEx, HarryPotterSpells, Assasination, ArrowMythology, Essentials, EssentialsProtect, DisguiseCraft, EssentialsSpawn, Werewolf, EssentialsChat, EssentialsAnitBuild, Factions, Demigods, FactionMobs.
Complete server log: The server log is too large, Pastebin will not allow me to post it.
Configuration: http://pastebin.com/1tEs1sCH
Whenever I attempt to customize the Spells Configuration, they remain at their defaults even after restarting, reloading the config, attempting to edit from on the server, editing with the actual file, I've tried it all. The only change that seems to have taken effect is the ender particle on spell casts. Every other change: Spell cooldown adjustments, damage on Stupefy, the bat option on Avis, Shouting spells in chat on casting, notifying you that the spell was cast, the chat options aren't working and the spells aren't changing.
Can you post the part of the server log where Harrypotterspells is enabling, and include any errors as well please
22.12 01:41:57 [Server] INFO Debug: Crafting modifications complete.
22.12 01:41:57 [Server] INFO Debug: Starting crafting modification...
22.12 01:41:57 [Server] INFO Debug: Added commands to help.
22.12 01:41:57 [Server] INFO Debug: Registered 7 core commands.
22.12 01:41:57 [Server] INFO Debug: Loaded language file us-english.properties
22.12 01:41:57 [Server] INFO Enabling HarryPotterSpells vALPHA 0.6
No errors are there from what I could tell skimming over it.
Edit from @kezz101: snipped server log
I have also noticed that Reducto isn't blowing anything up, Legilimens is not working for more than a second, despite the default being 20 seconds, Multicorfors is not working, Point Me wont even teach, and Deprimo is not adding slowness.
I don't mean to be picky about the spells and their configuration, it's just that it's such a cool plugin and a shame a lot of the spells aren't working.
Now, it has another issue. I could give a lower rank on my hierarchy the nocooldowns node, I don't get cooldowns, but they do. How do I make it so that no one has cooldowns?
Just give everyone the nocooldowns mode, aren't cooldowns configurable though? You could just disable them?
Cooldowns are supposed to be configurable. But this whole ticket was made purely because configuration wasn't working in the first place. -_-
Fixed in commit 2a3f938