


[1.8.1] Infinite spell (Lag Generator Bug)

Zeddart opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello! I've recently started out using HarryPotterSpells and there is one spell that when casted continues forever. I believe this is Incendio. I use dynmap and i see a continued line of dots on the map in many directions. Furtherst one i've found continues 380k blocks out. Lets say i stopped going at that point (i do not know how far out it have gone).

Here is a picture of my dynmap, as you see here there is small lines (to thin to be player generated). Everywhere on the map. The marked "line" is the one going insanly far out.


I am also certain this is HPS creating these lines as it started appearing after i installed the plugin.

Solution would be to kill all spells after certain range or time. Atleast giving a option for it

Thank you for taking the time reading my bug report =D


I'll take a look at this and hopefully push a solution to this. Thanks for sending in a detailed report :)


Forgot to mention before try setting the value of spell-effective-time to a lower value. That is the config value for killing spells after a certain time.


Is this in seconds ticks or miliseconds? You should change the default of that to like 20 seconds or so, to prevent people from raging out that their server took suicide :3


Awesome, my players will look forward to 1.1.5, there was alot of sad faces when i had to temporarly remove the plugin =)


@Zeddart Ticks. Ill take note of that and I'll see what i can do about the default time