


[1.8.1] Expelliarmus doesn't work

Deleranax opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Hello, First excuse me for my bad english, I'm french.
I noticed that the Expelliarmus spell does not work.
No error code.
The version of my server is SpigotMc-1.8.8-RO1 and the version of the plugin is 1.4.4.

List of plugins :
icJukeBox, PlayerHeads, VoteRoulette, WorldEdit, PVPStatsScoreboard, RolePlayCalendar, UnlimitedRecipes, Essentials, GroupManager, Lift, AutoBroadcaster, Chairs, PlayerTracker, ControllerBlocksPlus, NametagEdit, Votifier, ConsoleSpamFix, WorldGuard, MaintenanceManager, ProtocolLib, Multiverse-Core, VoidGenerator, VoxelSniper, EssentialsChat, EssentialsAntiBuild, EchoPet, PlayerLogger, SuperVanish, Tablist, Vault, EssentialsSpawn, MassiveCore, BottledExp, AreaShop, Jobs, ShowCaseStandalone, ServerlistMOTD, CreativeGates, Jail, CommandSigns, SilkSpawners, Citizens, Quests, Sentry and obviously HarryPotterSpells.

Thank you in advance for your answer.
Sincerely reazer18.


Hey there

Can you see if you still have the problem if you just run a server with only HarryPotterSpells plugin



Hello !

Excuse the delay, even without plugins except Harry Potter Spell Expelliarmus does not work, but is it the Gamerule KeepInventory can affect?

Thank you in advance for your answer.
Sincerely reazer18.


Oh are you in survival game mode when you are using HarryPotterSpells, sometimes it doesn't work in creative and adventure mode


Yes i'm in survival mode, I tested with all games modes, I test the plugin in my public server, then all players test the spell Expelliarmus in survival mode.


I just tested it and it seems to work. When you use it does the particle effect go off? Do other spells work?


The other spells It Works. And yes the particles triggered.