


Web presets

oliverwoodings opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Preset system.

'I'd also like to be able to save/delete presets in the web interface that you can subsequently select via a dropdown box, so if I'm monitoring someone or some thing I can just configure it once. I'd maybe make one for "Obvious Griefers" which pre-selects tnt, lava, and water, or one for "Naughty Chat" where I might scan for hate speech, one for how many apples are dropping from trees (by seeing how many get picked up) in case I need to tweak the drop percentage. You should populate the dropdown with some common presets by default to get people started. This will actually teach some people how to use the fields more effectively, like you're right there showing them! If you really want to blow my mind, make a way for people to share presets, so if someone comes here and asks for help figuring out who is doing something, someone else with technical skills can PM them a preset to try.'