Add player bounty option
Fogest opened this issue ยท 6 comments
More planning is still needed to exactly how this will be laid out, but I am creating this issue now so that I do not forget to implement this!
Bounties will need to be stored as the server may restart or stop at any time. Not safe enough to rely on memory.
Therefore a possible solutions is using XML, YML, or even sqlite file. I want to stay away from having to use a database for now. Full scale database implementation adds a lot of overhead to a more simplistic plugin. This needs to be a nice drag and drop plugin.
The amount of data needing to be stored is very minimal. Simply the player name, bounty, and maybe some other information like the requesting users name, the date requested, etc...
An alias could be created for /headhunter and use /hh making it more user friendly.
Possible command ideas:
- /hh bounty create
- /hh bounty view --> Viewing open bounties for one player. If multiple bounties on one player, show all requests and output a total as well.
- /hh bounty view --> Viewing all open bounties.
Some admin based commands:
- /hh bounty admin view --> Displays the same info as normal player command but with values such as the id of the bounty
- /hh bounty admin remove <bounty id/player name> --> Remove bounty by ID, or if it is a players name then remove all associated bounties.
- /hh bounty admin purge [date]--> Purging will remove all bounties. If a date is specified then all bounties after the specified date will be removed.
Vault will need to be used to allow for money transfer that supports multiple economy systems!
I like the idea, but I do have one concern. Players could easily bypass the spirit of the mechanic, by having their friends collect bounties on their heads.
Player 1 puts a bounty on Player 2's head.
Player 2 has his friend Player 3 kill him, and collect the bounty
Player 2 and Player 3 split the profit.
This would be an optional aspect of the plugin though. On a server such as a faction server where teammates cannot hurt each other, and deaths make you lose power, it may not be ideal to cheat it this way.
On the other hand I'm pretty busy, especially with school starting back up shortly so I won't really have time to add this anyway :)
Yeah, I can see draw backs on certain servers. Worth keeping in mind for future updates for sure.
Could make the bounties based off signs, rather than commands. A little more user friendly in my opinion, and it could require the bounty hunter to actually deliver the head to a set location.