


Status command

fr34kyn01535 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Command to test all current online users for multiaccounting and show detailed reports if one is guilty (because if u join a server with 30 persons on it u don't see it directly)


Now, what if there are multiple results in that set?

What if we just show a list with the names of all the people the plugin has picked out, and then have them perform the check commands for each? Otherwise, a detailed report for each player would spam the chat quite a bit.


Yea sure, the admins cant kick that much asses at once, as they are banning / talkin to multiaccounters one by one we need to just show a small list of names which they can look at then. This list should show up on login but also be available as command, if chat got spammed somehow~ would be my idea..