[Request] Support custom items between difference servers.
momoservertw opened this issue · 4 comments
I have a problem that some custom items can not be identified between two servers.
(I use "MySQL Player Data Bridge" to sync the player's inventory.)
They have the same configurations, but generated in difference server.
And their item NBTs are difference too.
(ItemJoin Slot (String): Arbitrary3 & ItemJoin Slot (String): Arbitrary4)
Is any way to allow custom items between two servers?
Like a new option "Low-Level-ItemNBT-Identify" to ignore the Arbitrary?
The configuration in items.yml.
slot: Arbitrary
name: '&b&l飛行券 &f(10分鐘) &f&l兌換券'
enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT:1
- '&a自由飛行蓋家囉!'
- '&f將自動切換至飛行模式'
- '&6&l拿著左鍵點擊使用&4✌'
- ''
- '&d&l取得來源: &e特殊活動物品'
- 'message: &6&l你使用了&c✤ &b&l飛行券 &f(10分鐘) &f&l兌換券'
- 'console: lp user %player% parent addtemp s-fly 10m accumulate'
- 'console: cmi fly %player% true'
commands-type: interact
itemflags: hide-attributes, disposable, always-give, cancel-events, drop-full
triggers: disabled
permission-node: itemjoin.myitem
enabled-worlds: All
Another server's new item NBT.
Full items.yml.
First: https://pastebin.com/NeEed4c4
Second: https://pastebin.com/NeEed4c4
ItemJoin version: v5.0.6-SNAPSHOT-b364
Paper version: git-Paper-105 (MC: 1.15.2) (Implementing API version 1.15.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Thank you for updates : )
Another custom item.
slot: Arbitrary
name: '&a&l黏液檢測器&4&l〄'
enchantment: FIRE_ASPECT:1
- '&e檢測附近殘留的史萊姆黏液'
- '&e得知是否有史萊姆出沒'
- ''
- '&d&l取得來源: &e贊助伺服器'
- 'message: &6&l你使用了&c✤ &a&l黏液檢測器&4&l〄'
- 'op: motw give slimecheck'
commands-type: interact
itemflags: hide-attributes, disposable, always-give, drop-full
triggers: disabled
permission-node: itemjoin.myitem
enabled-worlds: All
Not quite sure why the arbitrary numbers are not the same. If you copy/paste the same items.yml without adding anything they could be synced up on the numerical value.
There is no way to disable this as it is how ItemJoin identifies a stone item from another stone item that is defined in the items.yml.
An option is to give the item without nbt tags and ItemJoin will do its best to match the item via;
itemflags: vanilla, vanilla-control, vanilla-status
which should allow the item to function as normal.
The only issue is that if this is a server that allows the players to set custom names or lore to items then they can recreate the items from scratch. If it's not then it would be fine.
Let me know!
Marking this as answered, please reopen this if the issue persists.
ItemJoin v5.0.6 has been officially released.
You can grab it here; https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/itemjoin.12661/download?version=320427
Please read the changelog as the documentation has not been updated yet;